Generate pdf report for grafana dashboards using nodejs and puppeteer.
I took the base code from
It was generating blank panels after certain point when dashboard is tall. This repo code addresses this issue.
Steps to run
- latest version of node should be installed
- go inside root folder of this project where package.json is located.
- for the first time run 'npm clean install'
- see below examples to run
node grafana_pdf.js "http://localhost:3000/d/7ps_KoFMk?orgId=1&from=1602513421982&to=1602513601734" admin:admin output/grafana_dash.pdf
node grafana_pdf.js "http://localhost:3000/d/VyLxLpNnk/first?orgId=1" admin:admin output/grafana_dash.pdf
Environment: Set the Grafana server URL, username, and password, and the output filename as environment variables.
export GF_DASH_URL="http://localhost:3000/d/x3g4Wx5ik/new-dashboard?kiosk"
export GF_USER=pdf_export
export GF_PASSWORD=StrongPassword1
export OUTPUT_PDF=output/output.pdf
# Now export to PDF by calling the NodeJS script with the corresponding arguments: