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Performance: Do not use hiccup to generate popover HTML
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junegunn committed Mar 30, 2016
1 parent 589432c commit 031c318
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 25 deletions.
55 changes: 30 additions & 25 deletions src/main/hbase_region_inspector/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
[ring.middleware.gzip :refer [wrap-gzip]]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET PUT routes wrap-routes]]
[compojure.route :as route]
[hiccup.core :as h]
[hiccup.util :refer [escape-html]]
[selmer.parser :refer [render-file]]
[hbase-region-inspector.hbase :as hbase]
[hbase-region-inspector.util :as util]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,22 +73,24 @@
[title keys props]
(let [has-locality (:has-locality @cached)
{:keys [table encoded-name]} props]
[:table {:class "table table-condensed table-striped"}
(map #(let [[k v] (format-val % (% props) props)]
[:tr [:th {:class "col-xs-2"} k] [:td v]])
(filter #(and (% props)
;; Ignore locality if not available
(or has-locality (not= % :locality))) keys))]])))
"<table class=\"table table-condensed table-striped\"><tbody>"
(apply str
(map #(let [[k v] (format-val % (% props) props)]
(str "<tr><th class=\"col-xs-2\">" k "</th><td>" (escape-html v) "</td></tr>"))
(filter #(and (% props)
;; Ignore locality if not available
(or has-locality (not= % :locality))) keys)))

(defn build-region-popover
"Builds a small HTML snippet for each region to be used in bootstrap popover"
(let [{:keys [table encoded-name]} props]
[:h3 table " " [:small encoded-name]]
(str "<h3>" (escape-html table)
" <small>" (escape-html encoded-name) "</small></h3>")
:start-key :end-key
Expand All @@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
"Builds a small HTML snippet for each server to be used in bootstrap popover"
[:h3 (:name props)]
(str "<h3>" (escape-html (:name props)) "</h3>")
Expand All @@ -119,7 +121,7 @@
"Builds a small HTML snippet for each table to be used in bootstrap popover"
[:h3 (:name props)]
(str "<h3>" (escape-html (:name props)) "</h3>")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,26 +200,27 @@
#(reduce - 0 (map metric (val %)))
(group-by :table all-regions)))

;; Tables to show
visible-tables (set (if (seq tables) tables all-tables))

;; Filter regions by table name
visible-regions (map byte-buffers->str
(filter #(visible-tables (:table %)) all-regions))
(if (seq tables)
(let [tables (set tables)]
(filter #(tables (:table %)) all-regions))

;; Group by server, sort the pairs, build a list of maps with :name and :regions
grouped (map #(zipmap [:name :regions] %)
(sort-by key util/compare-server-names
(merge (zipmap (keys servers) (repeat []))
(group-by :server visible-regions))))
;; Function to sort the regions in the descending order
all-tables-ordered (zipmap all-tables (iterate inc 0))
score-fn #(vector (- (metric %))
(.indexOf all-tables (:table %)))
(all-tables-ordered (:table %)))
sort-fn (if (= sort :metric)
(fn [regions] (sort-by score-fn regions))
(fn [regions] (sort-by (comp vec reverse score-fn) regions)))
;; Sort the regions in each server
grouped (pmap #(update % :regions sort-fn) grouped)
grouped (map #(update % :regions sort-fn) grouped)
;; Find the local sum of the metric of each region
grouped (map #(assoc % :sum (reduce + (filter pos? (map metric (:regions %)))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,14 +329,16 @@
new-val (metric region)
old-val (or (get-in old-regions [name metric]) new-val)]
(/ (- new-val old-val) interval 0.001))))
new-regions (pmap #(assoc
:requests-rate (diff-fn % :requests)
:write-requests-rate (diff-fn % :write-requests)
:read-requests-rate (diff-fn % :read-requests)
:compaction ((juxt :compacted-kvs :total-compacting-kvs) %))
new-regions (pmap #(let [updated
:requests-rate (diff-fn % :requests)
:write-requests-rate (diff-fn % :write-requests)
:read-requests-rate (diff-fn % :read-requests)
:compaction ((juxt :compacted-kvs
:total-compacting-kvs) %))]
(assoc updated :html (build-region-popover updated)))
new-regions (pmap #(assoc % :html (build-region-popover %)) new-regions)
group-by-server (group-by :server new-regions)
servers (into {} (for [[k v] servers]
(let [v (merge v (calculate-locality (group-by-server k)))]
Expand Down

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