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reveal.js plugin that allows adding quizzes as slides.


  • single-choice questions
  • multiple-choice questions
  • markdown in questions and answers
  • answers explanations show after answer submission
  • multicast & remote-control


Create a simple question slide in markdown:

<section data-quiz>
# Who won the 2018 football world cup ?
- [x] France
- [ ] Germany
- [ ] Italy
- [ ] Brazil

The question itself should be a simple text, using a markdown title mark #. The answers are written as Markdown task lists using - [ ]. The checked answers (- [x]) are the valid ones. If only one answer is valid, answers will be displayed as radio buttons, otherwise they will be displayed as check boxes.

An optional answers explanation can be added as a markdown blockquote using >, and will be displayed after the question was answered.

<section data-quiz>
# Who is *Darth Sidious* master ?
- [ ] Darth Bane
- [ ] Darth Tenebrous
- [x] Darth Plagueis
> "Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?"
> - Sheev Palpatine, to Anakin Skywalker


Configuration can be made global, or slide-specific.

Global configuration is passed to the plugin using standard reveal.js configuration, with the quiz property:

<script type="module">
    import Reveal from './node_modules/reveal.js/dist/reveal.esm.js';
    import markdown from './node_modules/reveal.js/plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js';
    import RevealQuizz from './node_modules/reveal-quiz/dist/reveal-quiz-bundle-esm.js';
      quiz: {
        useTimer: true,
        defaultTimerDuration: 60,
      plugins: [markdown, RevealQuizz],

slide-specific configuration is passed using data-quiz-config-* attributes on quiz slides.

<section data-quiz data-quiz-config-useTimer="true" data-quiz-config-timerDuration="30">
- Who won the 2018 football world cup ?
- [x] France
- [ ] Germany
- [ ] Italy
- [ ] Brazil

available configuration properties

global property slide property default value description
useTimer data-quiz-config-userTimer false set to true to activate a timer on questions
timerDuration data-quiz-config-timerDuration 60 the duration of the timer
randomizeAnswers data-quiz-config-randomizeAnswers false set to true to randomize the answers on questions