Search, download and patch Copernicus Sentinel-2 data into appealing color images. Colors are adapted to human perception and fit for dark oceans as well as bright snow surfaces. Check out the example glacier animations in the examples directory, and more examples at my webpage. Support for archived (offline) products is not yet available.
Requires GDAL, ImageMagick, XMLStarlet, and a registration to the Copernicus Open Access Hub. A Python port is under preparation.
pip install sentinelflow
To fetch the latest cloud-free image over the Aletsch Glacier use: --user USERNAME --pass PASSWORD --cloudcover 10 \ --intersect 46.4,8.1 --maxrows 1 --tiles 32TMS \ --extent 417000,5138000,432000,5158000
Please refer to the Sentinel-2 data products documentation to find your corresponding tile(s). The image extent is given in UTM coordinates of the local zone. For additional command-line help use: --help
Please acknowledge usage in all derivative products, for instance with the mention:
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (year). Processed with Sentinelflow (version).