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Welcome to Opskwondo. A martial art involving keyboarding techniques to manage ops and infra. 🥋⌨️


This repository is a collection of tools and scripts showcasing various workflows including, but not limited to, container development and testing, infrastructure management, and more! A multipurpose, Swiss Army knife container is available (a.k.a. dev_sak) and needs to be running to have the playground ready.


  • Docker version 25+ (older versions may work YMMV)
  • Linux or macOS operating system. (probably Windows 🤷)
  • A Terraform Cloud account (optional)
  • A Cloudflare account (optional)

Although a Terraform Cloud account is optional, it is recommended to use it for managing remote state and running. Otherwise changes have to be made to store tfstate locally.

The Cloudflare account is also optional, but it is used in the AWS demo workspace to automatically provision DNS records.

Installation and Setup

Setting up Terraform Cloud

Log in to your Terraform Cloud account to generate an API token. Run the following command to configure your local Terraform setup:

make tfcloud/config

Setting up the local development environment

In order to have a consistent development environment and experience across all devices, a local development container is provided.

  1. Copy the .env.dist file to .env and update the respective values as required.

    cp .env.dist .env
  2. Build and set up the local dev container:

    make dev/setup
  3. Shell into the running local dev container:

    make dev/sh
  4. Do all the things! 🧑‍💻


Run make help to see all available targets.

Demo Workspaces


This workspace contains a simple AWS infrastructure setup using Terraform. The setup includes commonly used resources including a VPC, subnets, security groups, an EC2 instance, an RDS instance, and an S3 bucket. It also includes a configuration to provision an Elastic IP and create DNS records in Cloudflare to automatically point to the new server.

This demo showcases a docker deployment that runs a simple SFTPGo service with automatic SSL provisioning via Let's Encrypt using Traefik as a load balancer and reverse proxy.

The workspace is available in the terraform/aws directory.

Hetzer Cloud

Another alternative cloud provider with a simple infrastructure setup using Terraform. The setup includes subnets, loadbalancers, and a VM instance where node count is configurable.

The workspace is available in the terraform/hetzner directory.