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Game Bits: This is a collection of libraries used to make games... or really anything else.


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Game Bits

This is a collection of libraries used to make games... or really anything else. This is an unapologetically opinionated "framework", which one day hopes to grow up into a full featured Game Engine geared at hobbyist game programmers.

To jump right in and start building and using Game Bits, see the Getting started section.


This is the personal game engine for myself (John Pursey), which I use on my own games. I more than welcome feedback, bug reports, feature requests. pull requests, and am happy to directly help those who want to use it for their own projects. However, I make no guarantees about long term interface stability, will prioritize feature requests for my own games first, and am liable to nitpick quite a bit on pull requests if they don't conform to the style and design of Game Bits overall.

Why is this open source then? Well for one, I am happy to share and if it is useful or interesting to family and friends, that's great. If someone else out there finds this at all useful or interesting, then even better!

Design principles

Game Bits libraries are developed with the following high level design principles:

  • Modern C++: At this point, C++ is the dominant language for most game engines (if not necessarily games). Using C++ hopefully makes it useful to many who may be interested in it for game development. However, the main reason C++ was chosen is it is my dominant programming language, and it is an outlet for me to explore interesting C++ and game engine design patterns. Game Bits is generally an early adopter of new C++ revisions once compiler support becomes widespread.

  • Platform independent: While Game Bits currently only supports Windows, everything is built with cross-platform support in mind. All dependendencies on libraries other than the standard C/C++ library are relegated to platform specific implementations of a generic interface.

  • Multithreaded: Game Bits libraries are designed with explicit thread guarantees, and most are intended to be used in multithreaded contexts. "system" classes (those that manage resources for a specific module) are thread-safe after initial initialization, and classes/libraries which are intrinsically intended for broad use across threads treat thread-safety as a primary design consideration.

  • Bug resistant: Game Bits libraries are well tested (unit tests are near universal), and the APIs have well defined pre/post conditions and provide clear lifetime semantics which are supported by smart pointers and similar RAII classes.

  • Fast enough: Game Bits code is explicitly designed to be used for games, including games with high computing and resource demands. To that end, Game Bits code is not needlessly slow and algorithmic optimization is important. Systems where performance are critical to the design are further tuned and optimized (for instance, the JobSystem). However, performance is not the primary goal at the cost of being too tightly coupled, inflexible and/or error prone.

  • Modular: In a perfect world, every library would have no required dependencies on any other module, allowing people to only take the bits they want and replace or ignore the bits they don't. This was the original goal (hence Game Bits). However, in practice this results in an explosion of interfaces and abstractions which hurts both understandability and performance. Instead, library dependencies are managed in multiple tiers: Dependencies on lower level tier libraries are unrestricted, dependencies within a tier are minimized, and dependencies on higher level tiers are forbidden. Ultimately, this is a long-winded way to say it is a framework -- but one where dependency management is a primary design consideration. See Libraries for a break down of the libraries by tier.

  • Google dependent: While not really a "principle" per-se, Game Bits uses other Google open source libraries when they could be applied. In other words, if Google has an open source library for a domain useful to Game Bits, that will be preferred over other options. This is both to reduce cognitive load for myself (being a Google engineer as my day job), and to explore the libraries in a different context.


Game Bits libraries are divided in various tiers, with dependencies flowing from the higher level tiers to the lower level tiers. Optional integrations between tiers or with external libraries (like SDL or Vulkan) are implemented as sub-libraries (organized as subdirectories).

  • Tier 0: These are foundational libraries that define universal utility classes, cross-cutting funtionality common to all code, third-party wrappers and OS-level platform abstraction.

    • gb_base: Every other library depends on base (even in tier 0). It contains utility types and classes universal across Game Bits. It also includes fundamental interfaces (like Allocator) that are extended by other tier 0 libraries.
    • gb_alloc: Custom allocator algorithms and implementations that can be used with any code using the gb_base allocator interface.
    • gb_container: Additional game-oriented containers and container algorithms that go beyond basic STL-equivalent containers.
    • gb_file: This is a file system abstraction that allows multiple custom backend implementations simultaneously without dependent code needing to know about it. Currently, a fully in-memory file system and local file system are supported. A custom IFF-style chunk file format is also provided.
    • gb_thread: Low level threading API providing additional functionality over the standard library (thread names, core pinning, fibers, etc.)
    • gb_test: Test-only utilities to support unit testing and benchmarking code.
    • gb_sdl: Extension library when using SDL.
    • stb: Family of libraries that convert the header-only STB libraries into actual libraries. Libraries are made on an as-needed basis. Currently, the following libraries are available: stb_image, stb_image_resize, and stb_perlin.
  • Tier 1: These are lower level game components that can be taken individually, and do not depend on each other (except potentially via sub-library extension).

    • gb_game: This library defines the game "main" and a hierarchical game state machine system.
    • gb_image: This library defines general purpose image loading and processing.
    • gb_job: This library defines a generic "job" system for running tasks asynchronously.
    • gb_message: This library defines a typed message system that supports both publish/subscribe style messages and direct endpoint-to-endpoint message passing. It also supports both top-down and bottom-up message handling for stack based endpoints (as in a UI system or hierarchical state machine). Only in-process messages are currently supported.
    • gb_parse: This library defines general purpose text parsing code for use with custom asset file syntax, game scripting languages, or similar use cases. It supports a general-purpose-but-opinionated lexer and source file / error reporting helpers.
    • gb_resource: This library defines a generic resource system for referencing, retrieving, sharing, and managing the lifecycle and dependencies of typed resources. This also supports optional reading and writing of general purpose resource files as a chunk file. It supports embedding dependent resources in the same file (for instance, a "level" resource file could contain all dependent assets directly in the same file).
  • Tier 2: These are high level libraries that combine functionality across Game Bits to provide more complex services commonly needed across games. Dependencies within this tier are still minimized, but cross dependencies are allowed and so are more common.

    • gb_render: Graphics API independent interface to support basic rendering, with resource system integration.
    • gb_imgui: Implementation of Dear ImGui that is built in terms of the gb_render library. It supports context switching, texture resource support, font loading, and a rendering implementation.
      • gb_imgui_sdl: Library that implements SDL integration with the gb_imgui implementation.

Getting started

While Game Bits code is designed to be cross platform, it is currently only developed and maintained on Windows with Visual Studio 2019 using CMake 3.14.0 (although many earlier versions of CMake are likely to work).


Game Bits stores most of its library dependencies in the third_party directory. All of these dependencies except SDL are referenced in via git submodules, and so must be updated after cloning, or whenever the dependent libraries are updated.

git submodule update --init --recursive

Alternatively, you may maintain your own third party directory by defining the GB_THIRD_PARTY_DIR in CMake projects that use Game Bits. The caveat being that it must be a strict superset of what Game Bits requires. See the CMakeLists.txt files in the templates directory for more on this.


SDL is an optional dependency of Game Bits, provided as a platform abstraction layer implementation. There are no direct dependencies on SDL from any Game Bits library, except those that implement required platform abstraction interfaces in terms of SDL as a convenience.

The Windows build of SDL 2.10.0 is included in third_party/ and bin/ folders as a convenience. It can be linked to directly via the sdl library target in CMake files that use Game Bits.


If you are not using Game Bits for 3D graphics (specifically the render library), Vulkan is not required. However, for 3D graphics Game Bits uses Vulkan 1.2. This must be installed separately from the Vulkan SDK. Installing the Vulkan SDK should set the VULKAN_SDK environment variable, which Game Bits depends on to locate the installed version. For example, at the time of this writing, Game Bits was built with Vulkan, where VULKAN_SDK is defined as VULKAN_SDK=C:\VulkanSDK\

Vulkan may be linked to by depending on the Vulkan library target in CMake files that use Game Bits and have Vulkan installed.


Game Bits can be built directly from its own CMakeLists.txt file, or more commonly as part of another CMake driven application project. In either case, Game Bits supports Visual Studio 2019 in two ways:

  1. Generating a Visual Studio project via CMake. This provides an easily browsable solution and project files using standard Visual Studio integration.
  2. Using CMake support directly built into Visual Studio. This supports both Visual Studio and LLVM clang compilers.

Generating a Visual Studio project from CMake

A project can be generated is done by running the build_vs2019.bat. This builds Visual Studio projects for both the Game Bits libaries, and the BlockWorld example. The solution files are located under a build/ subdirectory, which is created if it does not already exist. Specifically, build/game-bits.sln and build/examples/block-world/BlockWorld.sln.

If you have your own project (as is most likely), you can also follow this pattern by copying one of the templates sub-directories to a new location, defining the GB_DIR environment variable to refer to the root game-bits folder, and then run that version of build_vs2019.bat. See documentation in the template directories for more on configuring a dependent project.

Using Visual Studio CMake support directly

Alternatively, Visual Studio now has direct support for CMake, which provides more direct control over configurations and removes the need to generate solutions. It supports multiple toolchains (Game Bits currently supports both the Visual Studio 2019 and LLVM clang 11 toolchains).

To build this way, simply choose to "open a local folder" instead of a solution. It will pick up the CMake targets using the configurations defined in CMakeSettings.json. When making your own project from a template, change the copy as desired for your project.

For the best Visual Studio experience using Game Bits, it is recommended to switch the Solution Explorer view to be the "CMake Targets View", as it will allow you to navigate more easily to Game Bits source files.

Running the BlockWorld example

The BlockWorld example is a voxel-style example that uses most of the Game Bits libraries and is a full example of how the different pieces can fit together. However, in order to run the example, you must first build the required shaders, by running the assets/shaders/build-shaders.bat file (it must be run from the assets/shaders directory).

Using Game Bits CMake commands

Game Bits has its own funny way of defining CMake targets and tests via various gb_* target commands. All of the Game Bits examples and templates make use of these to define their own targets, and you are of course welcome to for your own projects as well. Here is a quick rundown of what they do and how to use them.

There are three target types defined, where Target is the desired target name. Note: All Game Bits targets are prefixed with gb_. Your targets should not use this prefix.

  1. gb_add_library(Target): Adds a standard statically linked library of the given name.
  2. gb_add_executable(Target): Adds a non-windowed executable target (aka a command line interface).
  3. gb_add_win_executable(Target): Adds a windowed executable target (aka there is no console component).

All three ultimately call the CMake functions add_library or add_executable, and then configure them according to other variables prefixed with the name of the target. If used, these variables must be defined before calling gb_add_*.

Variable Name Description
VS_FOLDER Set to the visual studio folder the targets in this directory and all subdirectories should be in.
Target_SOURCE Source files to build for the target. This should include headers and implementation files.
Target_FBS FlatBuffer schema files for this target. These are compiled with flatc and the corresponding generated headers are made available to this Target
Target_DEPS Target dependencies. Dependencies are any other CMake target defined in the project. These should always be libraries. Changing a source in a dependency results in this target rebuilding. Dependencies are always linked to the target.
Target_LIBS External libraries for this target. This is for external dependencies (aka Vulkan, SDL, or any other externally built library).
Target_DEFINES Additional preprocessor defines for this target.
Target_INCLUDES Additional include directories for this target.
Target_TEST_SOURCE Source files to build unit tests. If this is defined, then an additional Target_test target will be built that implicitly depends on Target and links in Google Test libraries and corresponding main function. All test targets are put under a Test subfolder in Visual Studio.
Target_TEST_FBS FlatBuffer schema files to build for unit tests
Target_TEST_DEPS Additional unit test target dependencies
Target_TEST_LIBS Additional external libraries for this unit test target

For the full details, see CMake/GameBitsTargetCommands.cmake.


Game Bits: This is a collection of libraries used to make games... or really anything else.







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