As a matter of proof, in this web application you can see CRUD pages developed with Django framework
You work for a restaurant chain, and your manager has asked you to create a small CMS for managing the information about their products.
These are the users that will be authenticating inside the CMS for managing the data.
This table will hold the nutritional values that will be used for the products.
- Name
- Unit
This table will hold the products.
- Name - name of the product
- Description - description of the productName - name of the product
- Nutritional values - each product can have multiple nutritional values (e.g. Proteins (g): 100.00 )
- Status - Either ACTIVE or INACTIVE
Create the database models (and their related models)
Users (you can use the default Django model)
Nutritional information
Create the login page for the users to authenticate inside the CMS
The users should not be able to manage the CMS data if they are not authenticated
Create the CRUD pages for the Nutritional Information
List the nutritional informations
Create the nutritional informations
Update the nutritional informations
Delete the nutritional informations
Create the CRUD pages for the Products
List the products
Inside the list you should display the name of the product, as well as the nutritional values of that product
Create the products
Update the products
Delete the products
Allow the user to filter the products
This can be added on the page for listing the products
The user should be able to filter the products by their name, as well as their status ( ACTIVE / INACTIVE )
This web application is relying on python packages and javascript libraries
Python packages:
- Django 3.0.7
- Django Debug Toolbar 2.2
Javascript libraries:
- Bootstrap
- DataTables
- Jquery
Follow these steps to run this application
Download the source code from this git repo.
A db.sqlite3 database file contains the data used in this application
Install the package dependencies by running this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run you application by cd to the project directory and running these commands
python migrate
python runserver
Point your browser to URL:
There is a superuser called admin, with password: passwd4admin