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A Kakoune plugin providing improved REPL interaction.

This plugin intends to provide a window-manager-agnostic set of commands and mappings for interacting with a REPL that improve upon and extend the REPL commands that ship with Kakoune.

Currently, only TMUX functionality is included, but a generic interface is provided to make it as easy as possible to add support for a different window manager (see the repl-mode-template.kak file).


The suggested user mode binding for activating repl mode is:

map global user r ': enter-user-mode repl<ret>' -docstring "repl mode"

The assigned mappings for repl mode were chosen to be mechanically fluid when used with this suggested leader key.

While this plugin was written with the idea of evaluating source code at a REPL, another really nice use case I've found is to evaluate shell commands, such as those included in A README file.

While viewing a README, you can quickly open a connected repl-terminal split from Kakoune with <space>rl, select the command, then eval it with <space>re.

Provided 'repl' mode mappings

key command description
l repl-mode-open-right Open a REPL split to the right
j repl-mode-open-below Open a REPL split below
w repl-mode-open-tab Open a REPL in a new tab (window)
i repl-mode-prompt-window-id Set REPL window ID
I repl-mode-select-window-id Select REPL window ID from a menu
o repl-mode-focus Focus the REPL window
s repl-mode-send-text Send selected text to REPL
e repl-mode-eval-text Evaluate selected text at the REPL
. repl-mode-eval-last-command Evaluate last command at the REPL

Other Commands

repl-mode-set-new-repl-command <value>: Set the command used to open a new REPL in the current and window scope.

  • This is unset by default, meaning the open repl commands will simply open a terminal that you can send-text to.
  • You can set this to start an actual REPL for the current window's filetype (see example in installation instructions below).

Differences to stock repl commands

  • The built-in repl command is equivalent to the repl-mode-open-right command when using tmux.
  • The repl-mode-send-text command improves upon the built-in send-text command by focusing the REPL window after sending text, while still allowing modifications to be made before executing.
  • The repl-mode-prompt-window-id command is including to address the problem of losing the "connection" to the REPL window when moving it. This may not be a problem for all window managers, but it is a problem when moving the REPL window (tmux pane) to a new tab (tmux window) in tmux.
    • A recipe for quickly fixing the reference for tmux is provided below.
  • The functionality provided by the other commands is unique to this plugin.

Connection to a REPL pane when using TMUX

The new way

To set the target REPL window when using TMUX, you can now use the repl-mode-select-window-id command (mapped to repl mode I by default, so <space>rI).

This will open the tmux choose-tree menu, filtered by windows with "repl" in their name. Press enter on a pane to set that as the new target REPL window.

If your target window does not include "repl" in its name, you can clear the filter by pressing f<c-u><ret>.

The old (but still valid) way

When opening a REPL using the included commands/mappings, the REPL ID is automatically registered. If you restart Kakoune or otherwise want to connect to an existing REPL pane, you would use the repl-mode-prompt-window-id command (mapped to i by default). The problem then becomes how to get the target window id. Below is the strategy I use for getting the ID in TMUX.

How to quickly get a specific ID in tmux (manual steps):

  1. Focus the pane containing the REPL.
  2. Execute the tmux command:
    • display-message -P '#{session_id}:#{window_id}.#{pane_id}'
  3. Press D or key bound to copy-end-of-line.
  4. Return to Kakoune and press ,ri or trigger the repl-mode-prompt-window-id command.
  5. Press the tmux leader key followed by ] or whichever key is bound to paste.
    • This will paste the line with the copied ID, including the newline, which will submit the prompt. The new REPL window ID is now set.
  6. Test the setting using the repl-mode-focus command below, or go ahead and use repl-mode-send-text or the default repl-send-text.

To automate those manual steps a bit, add the following to your .tmux.conf:

# Copy ID
set-option -s command-alias[0] cpid="display-message -p '#{session_id}:#{window_id}.#{pane_id}'; send 'D'"
bind I "cpid"

My Keypresses (example):

  • My tmux leader key is <c-w>.
  • My Kakoune user-mode key is <space>.
  • My repl-mode binding is <r>.
  • Assuming target REPL is the "next" window.
  1. Focus target REPL pane: <c-w>n
  2. Execute TMUX binding to copy the pane ID: <c-w>I
  3. Return to Kakoune: <c-w>p
  4. Trigger mapping for "repl-mode-prompt-window-id" command: <space>ri
  5. TMUX paste (which includes a newline that submits the prompt): <c-w>]
  6. Focus the REPL via the Kakoune mapping: <space>ro


This plugin requires the windowing scripts that ship with Kakoune when using the included tmux repl-mode implementation.

Installing with plug.kak

To install with plug.kak, add the following to your kakrc, then run the :plug-install command:

plug "jordan-yee/kakoune-repl-mode" config %{
    require-module repl-mode

    # Suggested user mode mapping:
    map global user r ': enter-user-mode repl<ret>' -docstring "repl mode"

    # Register default mappings for the `repl` user-mode:

    # Optionally set the window manager if not using tmux
    #  (The following will only work if you've provided a custom
    #  repl-mode-kitty module. Copy repl-mode-template.kak to get started.)
    set-option global repl_mode_window_manager 'kitty'

    # Optionally set a command to launch a new REPL
    # - This is unset by default, which will cause new REPL windows to simply
    #   open a shell prompt.
    # - The provided repl-mode-tmux implementation uses this option, but you
    #   will have to handle it yourself if implementing the commands for a
    #   different terminal/window manager.
    # - You will likely want to set this differently for different languages,
    #   or even different projects.
    hook global WinSetOption filetype=clojure %{
      set-option window repl_mode_new_repl_command 'lein repl'
      complete-command -menu repl-mode-set-new-repl-command shell-script-candidates %{
          printf '%s\n' 'clojure -M:repl/reloaded' 'lein repl :connect' 'lein repl'

      hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
        unset-option window repl_mode_new_repl_command

Installing manually

Download repl-mode.kak and whichever window manager script(s) you wish to use, and either source them in your kakrc or copy them to your autoload folder, then add the following to your kakrc:

# Optionally set the window manager
# This option will be set to 'tmux' by default
set-option global repl_window_manager 'tmux'

# Ensure the repl-mode commands are loaded:
require-module repl-mode

# Suggested user mode mapping
map global user r ': enter-user-mode repl<ret>' -docstring "repl mode"

# Register default mappings for the `repl` user-mode:


Since different window managers have different terminology, the following terms are being used for this plugin:

term meaning
tab tmux window / vim tab page
window tmux pane / vim window
below tmux vertical split / vim horizontal split
right tmux horizontal split / vim vertical split


The kakscript in this plugin is [*mostly] written to be reloadable so that you can source it after making a change to test things without restarting Kakoune. I use this quick-dev plugin to do that:

  1. Disable the installation+configuration in kakrc & restart kak.
  2. Open kakoune, then open the quick-dev file with <space>qe.
  3. Source file(s) you're working on:
    # Command to copy filepath for current buffer:
    # `:eval reg dquote %val{buffile}`
    source "<path-to>/repl-mode.kak"
    source "<path-to>/repl-mode-tmux.kak"
  4. If needed, copy your config below the sourced files and make sure it's adjusted to be reloadable. (Such as if you want to change mappings.)
  5. Edit the plugin scripts, probably by selecting the sourced path and pressing gf.
    • If you're editing a module, you'll have to temporarily disable the module to enable reloading.
  6. After making changes press <space>qr to reload them.
  7. Test your changes and repeat.

*except for the use of modules, which are not reloadable


  • Update things so that you can essentially copy/paste the installation blurb into the quick-dev scratch pad and go, or otherwise reload everything at once.

Design Notes

This plugin was written with these principles in mind.


Kakoune plugin providing improved REPL interaction








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