Swift Rapyd is a pure swift library for accessing Rapyd's API
Swift Rapyd is available as a Swift Package Manager package. To use it, add the following dependency in your Package.swift
// swift-crypto 1.x and 2.x are almost API compatible, so most clients should
// allow either
.package(url: "https://github.com/jonlund/swift-rapyd.git", "1.0.0" ..< "3.0.0"),
and to your target, add Rapyd
to your dependencies. You can then import Rapyd
in the files where you want to access it.
This code is very generic. Think of it almost like Rapyd's documentation. In order to actually use it you would have to have code that would be specific to your platform (i.e. iOS or Vapor) so that is not part of this library. However, it is a really important part of the work.
This really belongs in its own project but until someone else lets me know that they care I will just put it here for reference:
// Server+Rapyd.swift
// Combines Rapyd methods and types to actually make API calls from Vapor Server
// Created by Jon Lund on 7/17/22.
import Foundation
import Vapor
import FlashOrderSDK
import Rapyd
fileprivate var encoder = JSONEncoder()
extension RapydEndpoint where inputType == Rapyd.Empty {
extension RapydEndpoint where paramType == Rapyd.Empty {
static func endpoint(for inputs: paramType) throws -> String {
return ""
static func request(_ inputs: inputType, req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<outputType> {
return self.request(.init(), inputs, req: req)
extension RapydEndpoint where inputType == Rapyd.Empty {
static func request(_ params: paramType, req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<outputType> {
return self.request(params, .init(), req: req)
extension RapydEndpoint where inputType == Rapyd.Empty, paramType == Rapyd.Empty {
static func request(req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<outputType> {
return self.request(.init(), .init(), req: req)
extension Rapyd.HTTPMethod {
var nioMethod: NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod {
switch self {
case .GET: return NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod.GET
case .POST: return NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod.POST
case .PUT: return NIOHTTP1.HTTPMethod.PUT
extension RapydEndpoint {
static var baseURI: String {
switch RapydAPI.shared.mode {
case .sandbox: return "https://sandboxapi.rapyd.net/v1/"
case .production: return "https://api.rapyd.net/v1/"
fileprivate static func hmac(_ input: String) throws -> String {
let task = Process()
task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/openssl")
task.arguments = [
let inputData = try input.data(using: .utf8) ?? toss("Can't encode string as UTF8")
let pipe = Pipe()
let toWrite = Pipe()
task.standardOutput = pipe
task.standardInput = toWrite
try task.run()
if #available(macOS 10.15.4, *) {
try toWrite.fileHandleForWriting.write(contentsOf: inputData)
try toWrite.fileHandleForWriting.close()
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
let str = try String(bytes: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? toss("Couldn't get string")
let trimmed = str.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let trimmedData = try trimmed.data(using: .utf8) ?? toss("Couldn't re-encode data after trim")
return trimmedData.base64EncodedString()
/// Generates the headers for authentication. Reference: https://docs.rapyd.net/build-with-rapyd/reference/authentication
fileprivate static func apiHeaders(path: String, body: Data? = nil) throws -> HTTPHeaders {
// signature = BASE64 ( HASH ( http_method + url_path + salt + timestamp + access_key + secret_key + body_string ) )
let http_method = self.method.rawValue.lowercased()
let url_path = "/v1/" + path
let salt = String.randomId(length: 10, charset: .alphaNumericLowerCase)
let timestamp = Date().unixTimestamp.description
let access_key = RapydAPI.shared.accessKey
let secret_key = RapydAPI.shared.secretKey
var body_string = ""
if let data = body,
let str = String(bytes: data, encoding: .utf8) {
body_string = str
let concatenated = http_method
+ url_path
+ salt
+ timestamp
+ access_key
+ secret_key
+ body_string
let signed = try hmac(concatenated)
var headers = HTTPHeaders()
headers.add(name: .contentType, value: "application/json")
headers.add(name: "access_key", value: RapydAPI.shared.accessKey)
headers.add(name: "salt", value: salt)
headers.add(name: "timestamp", value: timestamp)
headers.add(name: "signature", value: signed)
return headers
static func request(_ params: paramType, _ inputs: inputType, req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<outputType> {
let endpoint: String
do {
endpoint = try self.endpoint(for: params)
catch {
let errormsg = "Could not make endpoint for \(self): \(error.localizedDescription)"
return req.fail(errormsg)
let uri: URI = URI(string: self.baseURI + endpoint)
let future: EventLoopFuture<ClientResponse>
if method != .GET {
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .withoutEscapingSlashes
let body = try encoder.encode(inputs)
let headers = try apiHeaders(path: endpoint, body: body)
future = req.client.send(self.method.nioMethod, headers: headers, to: uri, beforeSend: { (request) in
let buf = ByteBuffer(data: body)
request.body = buf
req.log("curl \(headers.curlString) -X \(method.nioMethod.string) -d '\(buf.allAsString())' \(uri)", synopsis: method.nioMethod.string + " rapyd.com/" + endpoint, src: .server, dst: .rapyd)
catch {
return req.fail("Unable to encode inputs: \(error.localizedDescription)")
else {
do {
let headers = try apiHeaders(path: endpoint)
future = req.client.send(method.nioMethod, headers: headers, to: uri)
req.log("curl \(headers.curlString) \(uri)", synopsis: "GET rapyd.com/" + endpoint, src: .server, dst: .rapyd)
catch {
return req.fail("Unable to make request headers: `\(error)`")
return future.flatMapThrowing { response in
// if dev...
let status: String = "\(response.status.code) \(response.status.reasonPhrase)"
if let body = response.body {
req.log(body.allAsString().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines), synopsis: status, src: .rapyd, dst: .square)
else if response.status != .ok {
req.log(response.status.reasonPhrase, synopsis: status, src: .rapyd, dst: .server, logLevel: .error)
else {
req.log("(No body)", synopsis: status, src: .rapyd, dst: .server, logLevel: .warning)
let decoded: RapydResponse<outputType>
do {
decoded = try response.content.decode(RapydResponse<outputType>.self)
catch {
throw "Unable to get a proper response. Decoding error is: `\(error)`"
guard decoded.status.status != .error else {
throw "API status says error. message: `\(decoded.status.message.nonBlankString ?? decoded.status.error_code)`"
guard let data = decoded.data else {
throw "unable to get any value from decoded object. message: `\(decoded.status.message)`"
return data
extension RapydResponse: Content {}
extension Rapyd.WebhookBasic: Content {}
Here are a bunch of tests that can be run from Vapor:
func testRapydAPI() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try Rapyd.GetCountries.request(.init(), .init(), req: request).wait()
XCTAssert(result.count > 0)
func testRapydAPICurrency() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try Rapyd.GetCurrency.request(
.init(country: "US", currency: "USD"),
.init(), req: request).wait()
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydCheckoutPageCreate() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let amount: CodableDecimal = .init(floatValue: 100.0, decimalPlaces: 2)
var inputs: CheckoutPage = .init(amount: amount, country: "US", currency: "USD")
inputs.description = "Unit Test"
inputs.complete_checkout_url = "https://eacf-172-58-43-119.ngrok.io/rapyd/checkout/complete"
inputs.cancel_checkout_url = "https://eacf-172-58-43-119.ngrok.io/rapyd/checkout/cancel"
let result = try CreateCheckoutPage
.request(inputs, req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydCheckoutPageFetch() throws {
let id = "checkout_b6d7ca08af4196a651ba1648e4d41857"
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try GetCheckoutPage.request(id, req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydAPIPaymentMethods() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try GetPaymentMethods
.request(.init(country: "US", currency: "USD"), req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydAPIBankAccounts() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try ListVirtualAccounts
.request("ewallet_df9f3d6b00d13bf35cf8dc8a844d3e52", req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydAPIPayoutMethod() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try GetPayoutMethodTypes
beneficiary_country: "US",
beneficiary_entity_type: .company,
category: .bank,
payout_currency: "USD",
sender_country: "US",
sender_currency: "USD",
sender_entity_type: .company),
req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydAPIPayoutRequiredFields() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try GetPayoutRequiredFieds
payout_method_type: .us_standard_ach_bank,
beneficiary_country: "US",
beneficiary_entity_type: .company,
payout_amount: 100.0,
payout_currency: "USD",
sender_country: "US",
sender_currency: "USD",
sender_entity_type: .company
req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
func testRapydAPIPayout() throws {
let request = Request(application: app, on: app.client.eventLoop)
let result = try CreatePayout
company_name: "XYZFoodTruck",
bank_account_type: .CHECKING,
account_number: 123456789,
aba: 124000054
beneficiary_country: "US",
beneficiary_entity_type: .company,
//confirm_automatically: "XXXXXX",
description: "Payout from Flash Order",
//expiration: "XXXXXX",
ewallet: "ewallet_df9f3d6b00d13bf35cf8dc8a844d3e52",
merchant_reference_id: "MY_REFERENCE_ID",
//metadata: "XXXXXX",
payout_amount: "43.23",
payout_currency: "USD",
//payout_fees: "XXXXXX",
payout_method_type: .us_standard_ach_bank,
sender: .init(company_name: "Mana Mobile, LLC"),
//sender_amount: "XXXXXX",
sender_country: "US",
sender_currency: "USD",
sender_entity_type: .company,
statement_descriptor: "Disbursement from Flash Order Partnership"
req: request)
print("RESULT: \(result)")
If anyone is interested in this let me know and I'll clean it up and make it nice! There is also some more code you would want to have to use the methods in iOS or on a server. (I use Vapor on Linux)