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NGRValidator is a 3rd party library for iOS and macOS. It allows you to validate the data in the way that you want. It's an easy to read, centralized, and comprehensive solution to validating any model in just a few lines of code.

Why use NGRValidator?

Typically every project which handles user account requires email validation. Let's take a look how to do this:

NSString *email = <#your string email address#>;
NSError *error = [NGRValidator validateValue:email named:@"E-mail address" rules:^(NGRPropertyValidator *validator) {
    // 'is', 'to', 'have' are syntactic sugar and can be safely omitted;

Too much code? There are better ways to achieve this? And, what if you want to validate passwords as well? You can use a similar method to the one above. Nevertheless, in order to keep the MVC pattern, it would be much better to create a simple model with validation functionality:

@interface UserAccount : NSObject

//should have email syntax:
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *email;
//should have at least 5 signs:
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *password;


@implementation  UserAccount

- (NSError *)validate {
    NSError *error = nil;
    [NGRValidator validateModel:self error:&error delegate:nil rules:^NSArray *{
        return @[NGRValidate(@"email").required().syntax(NGRSyntaxEmail),
    return error;


Let's take it one step further. Consider this model should be used both for login and for password change. Moreover to change password, user should provide old, new and repeated new password. Obviously new and repeated new password shouldn't be validated on login. Improved UserAccount model looks as follows:

@interface UserAccount : NSObject

//should have email syntax:
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *email;
//should have at least 5 signs:
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *password;
//should have at least 5 signs and be different than password. Validated only on "changePassword" scenario.
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *newPassword;
//should have at least 5 signs and be same as newPassword. Validated only on "changePassword" scenario.
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *repeatedNewPassword;


@implementation  UserAccount

- (NSError *)validateWithScenario:(NSString *)scenario {
     NSError *error = nil;
    [NGRValidator validateModel:self error:&error scenario:scenario delegate:nil rules:^NSArray *{
        return @[NGRValidate(@"email").required().syntax(NGRSyntaxEmail),
    return error;


That's it! All validation requirements in one place. Continue reading to learn more about rules, scenarios and messaging.


  • iOS 9.0+ SDK
  • macOS 10.11.4+ SDK
  • CocoaPods 0.39.0 (use gem install cocoapods to grab it!)


Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C and Swift, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party. To use NGRValidator via CocoaPods write in your Podfile:

pod 'ngrvalidator', '~> 2.0.0'

and run pod update or pod install


Install using Carthage by adding the following line to your Cartfile:

github "netguru/ngrvalidator"

Then, run the following command:

$ carthage update

Last if you're building for macOS:

  • On your application targets “General” settings tab, in the “Embedded Binaries” section, drag and drop NGRValidator.framework from the Carthage/Build/Mac folder on disk.

If you're building for iOS

  • On your application targets “General” settings tab, in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section, drag and drop each framework you want to use from the Carthage/Build folder on disk.

  • On your application targets “Build Phases” settings tab, click the “+” icon and choose “New Run Script Phase”. Create a Run Script with the following contents: /usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

  • and add the paths to the frameworks you want to use under “Input Files”, e.g.:



In your projects git folder type:

git submodule init
git submodule add --copy link to the repo--
git submodule update

Just download & attach

This is strongly misadvised as you won't be able to see code updates. Clone or download the source, copy all files from NGRValidator folder.


Use #import "NGRValidator" whenever you want to use it.

As many other libraries, NGRValidator offers handy VALIDATOR_SHORTHAND which allows to omit prefixes in some methods. To use it, write before #import:


and feel free to use validate(...) instead of NGRValidate(...)

Invoking validation

There are 3 general methods of validation:

  • single value validation:
+ (NSError *)validateValue:(NSObject *)value
					 named:(NSString *)name
					 rules:(void (^)(NGRPropertyValidator *validator))rules;
  • model validation till first error. NGRValidator will break validation when any error will appear:
+ (BOOL)validateModel:(NSObject *)model
			    error:(NSError **)error
			    rules:(NSArray *(^)())rules;

// with scenario counterpart:
+ (BOOL)validateModel:(NSObject *)model
			    error:(NSError **)error
			 scenario:(NSString *)scenario
			    rules:(NSArray *(^)())rules;
  • entire model validation. NGRValidator will validate entire model and return an array populated with errors (if validation failed). Otherwise nil:
+ (NSArray *)validateModel:(NSObject *)model
                     rules:(NSArray *(^)())rules;

// with scenario counterpart:                
+ (NSArray *)validateModel:(NSObject *)model
                  scenario:(NSString *)scenario
                     rules:(NSArray *(^)())rules;

Psst hey! if any error did appear you can determine which property did not validate just by checking error.userInfo[NGRValidatorPropertyNameKey].

Validation rules

NGRValidator offers many ready to use rules:

  • required() - validates if property is nil or not. If is not required and has any other validation rule attached, like .decimal(), property will be validated only when is not nil.

  • allowEmpty() - validates if property can be empty (means it's length or count is equal to 0). By default cannot be empty. When is allowed to be empty, validator will pass validation when property will be empty. Works for both required and non-required rules. NOTE: Refers to NSString, NSAttributedString, NSData, NSArray, NSSet, NSDictionary (and their mutable counterparts).

  • order(NSUInteger) - changes priority of NGRPropertyValidator. By default all property validators have same priority and will be invoked in order of NSArray order returned in rules: block.


  • minLength(NSUInteger) - validates minimum length of NSString (inclusive).
  • maxLength(NSUInteger) - validates maximum length of NSString (inclusive).
  • lengthRange(NSUInteger, NSUInteger) - validates minimum and maximum length of NSString (inclusive).
  • exactLength(NSUInteger) - validates exact length of NSString.
  • match(NSString *) - validates that the NSString match another NSString.
  • differ(NSString *) - validates that the NSString is different than another NSString.
  • decimal() - validates that the NSString contains only decimal signs.
  • emoji(BOOL) - validates that the NSString does or does not contain emoji.


  • regex(NSString *, NSRegularExpressionOptions) - validates that the NSString match given regex pattern with options.
  • syntax(NGRSyntax) - validates that the NSString has given syntax.

For full list of supported Syntaxes go here


  • min(CGFloat) - validates lower limit of NSNumber (inclusive).
  • max(CGFloat) - validates upper limit of NSNumber (inclusive).
  • range(CGFloat, CGFloat) - validates minimum and maximum value of NSSNumber (inclusive).
  • exact(CGFloat) - validates exact value of NSNumber.
  • beFalse() - validates if NSNumber represents false status.
  • beTrue() - validates if NSNumber represents true status.


  • minRatio(CGFloat)/maxRatio(CGFLoat) - validates if the ratio of the image is greater/smaller than CGFloat
  • minWidth(CGFloat)/maxWidth(CGFloat) - validates if the pixel width of the image is greater/smaller than CGFloat
  • minHeight(CGFloat)/maxHeight(CGFloat) - validates if the pixel height of the image is greater/smaller than CGFloat
  • minSize(CGSize)/maxSize(CGSize) - validates if the pixel size of the image is greater/smaller than CGSize on both dimensions


  • earlierThan(NSDate *) - validates if NSDate property is earlier than given date (inclusive).
  • earlierThanOrEqualTo(NSDate *) - validates if NSDate property is earlier than or equal to given date (inclusive).
  • laterThan(NSDate *) - validates if NSDate property is later than given date (inclusive).
  • laterThanOrEqualTo(NSDate *) - validates if NSDate property is later than or equal to given date (inclusive).
  • betweenDates(NSDate *, NSDate *, BOOL) - validates if NSDate property is between given dates. BOOL parameter specify inclusiveness of comparison.
  • earlierThanUnixTimestamp(NSTimeInterval) - validates if date is earlier than specified UNIX epoch
  • earlierThanOrEqualToUnixTimestamp(NSTimeInterval) - validates if date is earlier than or equal to specified UNIX epoch
  • laterThanUnixTimestamp(NSTimeInterval) - validates if date is later than specified UNIX epoch
  • laterThanOrEqualToUnixTimestamp(NSTimeInterval) - validates if date is later than or equal to specified UNIX epoch


  • minByteSize(CGFloat)/maxByteSize(CGFloat) - validates if data has byte size greater/smaller than CGFloat
  • image/video/audio/archive - validates if data represents image/video/audio/archive
  • mimeType(NGRMimeType) - validates if data has given MIMEType.

For full list of supported MIMETypes go here


  • includes(NSObject *) - validates whether given object is included in validated array property or not.
  • excludes(NSObject *) - validates whether given object is excluded from validated array property or not.
  • includedIn(NSArray *) - validates whether validated property is included in given array. If array is empty validation will return an error.
  • excludedFrom(NSArray *) - validates whether validated property is excluded from given array. If array is empty validation will pass.


Scenarios allows to keep same model across all possible actions. Sometimes some properties should be obligatory for one action and optional for another. Scenarios makes model validation more flexible and usable without any conditional statements. If property should conform specified scenario(s), pass NSArray of scenarios using:

onScenarios(NSArray *)

Property which doesn't conform any scenario, will be validated on every scenario. Just remember to pass scenario names as NSString

Validation messages

Although NGRValidator contains default error messages for each validation, it is possible to customize them as well. There are two way to achieve this:

1. by using msg prefixed method in rules block:
NGRValidate(@"password").minLength(5).msgTooShort(@"should have at least 5 signs")

Notice that NGRValidator will use capitalized name of validated property in error description. Nevertheless there is possibility to localize it's name with:

localizedName(NSString *)
2. by conforming NGRMessaging delegate and returning error key - messages dictionary for appropriate property key:
- (NSDictionary *)validationErrorMessagesByPropertyKey {
    return @{@"password" :
    		    @{MSGTooShort : @"Password should have at least 5 signs."}

This two methods can be used simultaneously. Order of taking messages is defined as follows:

  1. If any error will be encountered by validator, it will ask delegate first for error description.
  2. If delegate will be nil or validator will not find message for expected error-key and property name, it will search for an error description in given in rules block.
  3. If developer didn't declare message for encoutered error, validator will use default one prepared by library.

For more info please refer to messaging system.

Sugar syntax

NGRValidator contains sugar syntax to improve readbility and introduce natural speech to code. To sugar syntax belongs:

is, are, on, has, have, to, toNot, notTo, be, with, should

Note difference between sugar syntax and regular validation method:

                          validation method has to be invoked always with parentheses (even if do not take any parameter).
                      sugar syntax is always invoked without parentheses.

##Demo Contains 5 examples:

  • UI examples on 3 levels: simple, medium and complex. Every level has been eplained more on less in this readme.
  • coded
  • usage in Swift

UI example will be automatically fired when you hit ⌘+R. To enable coded example please change logStory flag from NO to YES in AppDelegate. To improve story readability and understandability, set brakepoint at the beginning of story method and follow debugger line by line.


NGRValidator is available under the MIT license.


First, thank you for contributing! Here a few guidelines to follow:

More Info

Changelog available here.

Feel free to contribute, comment, ask, and share your ideas by opening an issue.

You can also read our blog post introducing: Open Source NGRValidator.


Created and maintained by Patryk Kaczmarek.

Copyright © 2014 - 2017 Netguru


Validation has never been as easy as now!







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  • Objective-C 93.2%
  • Swift 5.4%
  • Other 1.4%