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Welcome to Hungrybot!

See the docs in /docs

Development process

v1 (current production code, soon to be legacy)

  • At this point, this branch is mainly for bugfixes and small features to tweak things for user growth
  • Local development branches should have origin/v1 as their upstream
  • After locally doing the dev/test work, push to origin/v1
  • When you are ready to deploy these changes to production, create a Pull Request to merge them into the prod branch
  • Pull Requests into the prod branch require sign off from one other developer
  • After getting sign off, merge your changes and then redeploy production
  • After deploying production, validate that production is back up and your code is stable

v2 (dashboard code)

  • Local development branches should have origin/master as their upstream
  • Once your local changes are stable, push into origin/master
  • Since this branch is still in active development, feel free to immediately merge your changes to the int branch if you wish to test them on digitalocean (i.e., a real deployment)

Setting it up for the first time

createdb -Onice_johnbot -Eutf8 dev_johnbot_db

npm run sequelize db:migrate

Building locally (it should be done in this order since run:dev actually lints, transpiles, and bundles):

npm run run:dev

npm run run:twitchbot:dev

Building in INT:

npm run build:int

npm run forever:int

npm run forever:int:twitchbot


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