Tiny JavaScript client for the Google Measurement Protocol. Originally written for EAIO's widget. Useful if you want to ping back some data from your widget into your Google Analytics account, without relying on ga.js or analytics.js being present.
Attention: The API has changed on 2015-03-25.
- Page view tracking
- Event tracking
- Exception tracking
- Social tracking
- User timing tracking
- HTML 5 Resource timing tracking
- HTML 5 Page timing tracking
- Respects DoNotTrack
- Survives Google Closure with Advanced Optimizations
- All parameters can be overwritten
- Uses
by default - About 1 KB post gzip
- Set the Google Analytics property ID
- Optional: Chose a namespace to export the functions under (default is "eaio")
})(window, 'eaio', 'UA-XXXXXXX-XX') <-- edit this!
eaio.track.pageview('http://guh.com', 'Guh - literally the best Guh EVER!')
Arguments: Location, title, parameters (optional)
eaio.track.event('fnuh', 'guh', location.host)
Arguments: Event category, event action, event label, event value (optional), nonInteraction (optional), parameters (optional)
try {
catch (e) {
eaio.track.exception('yo', e, "it's marquis baby")
Arguments: Event category, exception, event label (optional), parameters (optional)
Some stack trace mangling is done in order to transport as much information as possible to Google Analytics.
try {
eaio.track.timing('performance', 'time to footer',
1 * new Date() - window.performance.timing.domInteractive)
catch (e) { /* Browser doesn't support the HTML 5 timing APIs which may happen */ }
Arguments: Timing category, timing variable, time, timing label (optional), parameters (optional)
eaio.track.social('facebook', 'like', location.href)
Arguments: Social network, social action, social target (optional), parameters (optional)
Timing information includes:
- DNS lookup
- TCP handshake
- SSL handshake (excluding the TCP handshake time, which is different from Souders' code that I stole)
- TTFB (time to first byte)
<script src="//some-shady-3rd-party-server.com/weird-widget-that-we-dont-trust.js"></script>
eaio.track.resourcePerformance(/3rd-party-server/, 'That damn 3rd party script')
Arguments: Pattern, name, label (optional), parameters (optional)
(This only works if the server delivers the script with a Timing-Allow-Origin: *
header. Many CDNs do.)
eaio.track.pagePerformance('expensive Page')
Arguments: Name, label (optional), parameters(optional)
eaio.track.resourcePerformance(/3rd-party-server/, 'Yet another 3rd party script', null,
{ 'dh': '3rd-party-server.com' })
Tracks the resource performance under the 3rd-party-server.com
host name. Useful if you set up different views.
By default, 20 % of all calls to timing methods will be sent to Google Analytics. To change this, set:
eaio.track.timingSamplingRate = .1