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Yet Another 6502 Simulator: extensible, cycle-accurate signal-level simulation that can be used to prototype various hardware configurations. Includes sample 16550 UART implementation,.


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Yet Another 6502 Simulator

Yet Another 6502 Simulator (ya6s) is yet another 6502 simulator. This one uses a circuit simulation model that mimics the behavior of a WDC 65C02 microprocessor at the cycle level. It is built upon a simple digital signal model, which can be used to simulate other devices attached to the busses and processor signals via virtual backplane. An out-of-band monitor is also included that can be used to load data from files on to the bus, as well as adding breakpoints and inspection commands to assist in debugging.

This simulator is intended to be a software-based prototyping environment for a 65C02-based computer. It is designed to allow a system designer to include simulated hardware peripherals by monitoring the signals generated by the processor, and potentially other peripherals.

ya6s successfully passes Klaus Dormann's 6502 and 65C02 functional tests


$ ya6s hello.config
A: $00,  X: $00,  Y: $00,  S: $00,  P: $20 (nv1bdizc) cycles: 0
0000:  00 00     BRK #$00
>>> r f800 f83f
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F   01234567 89ABCDEF
F800: A9 83 8D 03 F0 A9 78 8D  00 F0 9C 01 F0 A9 03 8D  |©...ð©x. .ð..ð©..|
F810: 03 F0 A9 20 A2 00 BC 28  F8 F0 0B 2C 05 F0 F0 FB  |.ð© ¢.¼( øð.,.ððû|
F820: 8C 00 F0 E8 80 F0 DB 40  48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77  |..ðè.ðÛ@ Hello, w|
F830: 6F 72 6C 64 21 0D 0A 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |orld!... ........|
A: $00,  X: $00,  Y: $00,  S: $00,  P: $20 (nv1bdizc) cycles: 0
0000:  00 00     BRK #$00
>>> cont
(Ctrl-E to pause.)
Hello, world!
A: $20,  X: $0F,  Y: $00,  S: $FD,  P: $26 (nv1bdIZc) cycles: 27359
F827:  40        RTI
>>> exit




gradlew build

The build/distributions directory will contain ya6s.tar and


Note: Either a JDK 17+ distribution directory must appear in JAVA_HOME, or a JDK 17+ java command must appear in the PATH.

Unpack the ya6s.tar or files into a directory, and run bin/ya6s from that directory. This will enter the monitor, with a system with no devices, not even memory.

Monitor commands can be used to attach devices, and write data to devices from a file. ya6s includes four devices: RAM, ROM, a 16550-based UART, and a counter device, which can be used to generate periodic interrupts. The attach command also takes device-specific configuration options.

For example, the following command attaches a 32 kilobyte RAM device that starts at location 0 in the memory map:

>>> attach joev.ya6s.SRAM base=0000 size=8000

With this, the monitor can be used to read and write to RAM:

>>> write 1000 41 42 43 44
>>> read 1000 100f
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F   01234567 89ABCDEF
1000: 41 42 43 44 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |ABCD.... ........|
>>> load 2000 hello.txt
>>> read 2000 200f
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F   01234567 89ABCDEF
2000: 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77  6F 72 6C 64 21 0A 00 00  |Hello, w orld!...|

A pre-loaded ROM device can be attached. This one is 2KB, starting at $F800.

>>> attach joev.ya6s.ROM  base=F800 size=0800 file=rom.bin
>>> read f800 f83f
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F   01234567 89ABCDEF
F800: A9 83 8D 03 F0 A9 78 8D  00 F0 9C 01 F0 A9 03 8D  |©...ð©x. .ð..ð©..|
F810: 03 F0 A9 20 A2 00 BC 28  F8 F0 0B 2C 05 F0 F0 FB  |.ð© ¢.¼( øð.,.ððû|
F820: 8C 00 F0 E8 80 F0 DB 40  48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77  |..ðè.ðÛ@ Hello, w|
F830: 6F 72 6C 64 21 0D 0A 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |orld!... ........|
>>> disassemble f800
F800:  A9 83     LDA #$83
F802:  8D 03 F0  STA $F003
F805:  A9 78     LDA #$78
F807:  8D 00 F0  STA $F000
F80A:  9C 01 F0  STZ $F001

This program expects a 16550 UART to be available at address $F000

>>> attach joev.ya6s.UART base=F000

When a 6502 microprocessor is reset, it will read the two byte value at $FFFC and $FFFD and jump to that address. ya6s works the same way; there must be a device mapped to those addresses which contains the address of the start of the program. In the example above, the rom.bin includes these values at $FFFC and $FFFD, which point to $F800 as the starting address:

>>> read fffc fffd
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F   01234567 89ABCDEF
FFF0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 27 F8 00 F8 27 F8  |........ ..'ø.ø'ø|

The reset command simulates pulling the 6502's /RES low, which triggers the processor reset sequence. The cont command starts the system clock, which cycles the processor until the processor is stopped (via the 65C02 STP instruction), or when the user types Ctrl-E.

>>> reset
>>> cont
(Ctrl-E to pause.)
Hello, world!
A: $20,  X: $0F,  Y: $00,  S: $FD,  P: $66 (nV1bdIZc) cycles: 30477

If the Ctrl-E command is used, the program is paused, and can be resumed with the cont command.

These commands can be stored in a configuration file, which can be specified on the command line at startup:

$ ls
hello.config  rom.bin
$ cat hello.config
attach joev.ya6s.SRAM base=0000 size=8000
attach joev.ya6s.UART base=F000
attach joev.ya6s.ROM  base=F800 size=0800 file=rom.bin
$ ya6s hello.config
A: $00,  X: $00,  Y: $00,  S: $00,  P: $20 (nv1bdizc) cycles: 0
0000:  00 00     BRK #$00
>>> reset
A: $00,  X: $00,  Y: $00,  S: $FF,  P: $20 (nv1bdizc) cycles: 0
0100:  00 00     BRK #$00
>>> cont
(Ctrl-E to pause.)
Hello, world!
A: $20,  X: $0F,  Y: $00,  S: $FD,  P: $66 (nV1bdIZc) cycles: 26733
F827:  40        RTI
>>> exit

Monitor Commands


attach {type} ({name}={value})*

Attach a device to the simulated computer. The type is a name of a class in the CLASSPATH that has a constructor that takes the arguments (Backplane, Map<String, String>). See the "Custom Devices" section for more information about how to build a custom device. The included devices are

  • joev.ya6s.SRAM: A RAM device. The options are base, which is the first address (in hex) within the memory map this device listens on, and size the number of bytes (in hex) of the RAM device.
  • joev.ya6s.ROM: A ROM device. The options are base, which is the first address (in hex) within the memory map this devices listens on, size which is the number of bytes (in hex) of the ROM device, and file which is the name of a file that is loaded into the ROM.
  • joev.ya6s.UART: A UART device based on the widely-used 16550 UART IC. The option base tells the device the address (in hex) of the first register.
  • joev.ya6s.Counter: An example device that counts the cycles of the computer. A program can set a value as 24 bit number, the base to count down, and the device can be configured to generate an interrupt when the counter reaches zero. The first three bytes are the counter value, little-endian, the fourth byte is the control and status register, where bit 0 is the counter enable flag, bit 2 is the interrupt enable flag, bit 6 indicates if the counter is zero. Bit 6 is used since the 6502 BIT instruction sets the overflow flag based on bit 6. This device has a base option which is the address (in hex) of the first register.


break list
break remove {index}
break at {address}
break when {expression}

Manage breakpoints. break at enables a breakpoint at the specified address. break when enables a breakpoint when the expression evaluates to true. break list lists the enabled breakpoints, break remove removes a breakpoint. Breakpoint expressions are of the form {constant|register} {op} {constant|register}. The supported registers are PC, A, X, Y, C, N, Z, V, I, and D. The supported operations are =, >, <, !=, >=, and <=.



The cont command resumes the program when the program as stopped or paused using Ctrl-E.


disassemble ({address} ({count})?)?

Disassembles the program instructions. If no address is given, the program starting at PC is disassembled. If no count is given, the next 5 instructions are disassembled.



Exits ya6s.


load {start} {path}

Loads the bytes from the file at the given path, to the start address (in hex). This command disables the CPU, and cycles the clock while sequentially placing the bytes on the data bus while incrementing the address bus. Typically this will be used with the address a RAM-like device, but this command will write to whatever device appears at that address.


profile on
profile off
profile show ({maxLines})?
profile reset

Track the addresses which are being executed. profile on enables tracking each address where an instruction is read from. profile off disables this tracking. profile show shows which addresses have been executed, sorted by the number of times the address was executed. profile reset resets the profile counter.


read {start} ({end})?

Reads the data from the memory map from the start address, to the end address. If no end address is specified, one page (256 bytes) is read.



Toggles the reset pin on the processor, initiating the reset procedure. This reads the contents of memory locations $FFFC and $FFFD, and jumps to the location contained in those memory locations.



Executes a single instruction.


write {start} ({value})*

Writes the values to memory starting at the given start address.

Custom Devices

ya6s is based on a simple digital circuit model. Signals hold a boolean value, and interested code can subscribe to changes of the Signal, which are notified if the change was a positive edge (false to true), or a negative edge (true to false). A Bus can hold a multiple bit value.

A simulated computer is based around a Backplane, which holds the signals and busses that are commonly found in 6502-based computers. Typically, these mirror the pins on the 6502: a 16 bit address bus, an 8 bit data bus, signals for read/write, interrupts, sync, and clock.

The W65C02S class uses Signals and Busses that closely match those of a real WDC 65C02S processor, and is connected to a Backplane. Likewise, the SRAM, ROM, UART, and Counter classes connect to the Backplane and subscribe to the signal change events, and update the signals accordingly.

Devices do not interact with each other directly, only through the signals on the backplane. Typically, a device will subscribe to the clk signal on the backplane, and upon a negative edge transition, check the address bus to determine if the device needs to take any action. If the rwb signal is true, the device should write a value to the data bus, and if it is false, it should read the value from the data bus.

Custom devices are no different than the included devices, and are built to use the same Backplane. The ya6s simulator can dynamically attach these to the backplane using the monitor's attach command.

A custom device must have a public constructor that takes the arguments (joev.ya6s.Backplane backplane, Map<String, String> options). It does not need to extend any other class or implement any interface. The constructor should register itself with the appropriate Signals of the backplane, in particular, the clk clock signal. Typically, a device will have a tick method, which is registered to listen to changes of the clk clock signal. The tick method will check the address bus and determine if the address corresponds to the device. If so, the rwb (read/not-write) flag is checked, and the data bus is either written to or read from, and the appropriate action taken.

Future Enhancements

  • Package Java runtime using jlink
  • Add terminal/monitor support for Windows and MacOS.
  • Add TCP support to UART.
  • Address remaining cycle timing errors.


Yet Another 6502 Simulator: extensible, cycle-accurate signal-level simulation that can be used to prototype various hardware configurations. Includes sample 16550 UART implementation,.








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