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The purpose of this project is to predict stock prices using historical data and financial indicators with LSTM networks. It involves data extraction, cleaning, model training, and an interactive app for predictions. This tool aids financial analysts, portfolio managers, and investors in making informed decisions.

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Predicting Stock Prices Using Machine Learning


In this project, we aimed to predict stock prices using various machine learning models and compare their performance to a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network model. The goal was to determine which model provides the most accurate predictions for stock prices based on historical data from Yahoo Finance and additional consumer data features. We selected ten diverse stocks: Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Procter & Gamble (PG), Exxon Mobil (XOM), NVIDIA (NVDA), Pfizer (PFE), Coca-Cola (KO), and Tesla (TSLA). By incorporating different machine learning techniques, including Support Vector Regression (SVR), XGBoost, Linear Regression, and the Prophet model, we explored the strengths and weaknesses of each approach in handling time series data and capturing complex patterns in the stock market.

Libraries Used

The following libraries were used for data processing, model training, evaluation, and visualization:

  • import yfinance as yf # For downloading stock data
  • import pandas as pd # For data manipulation and analysis
  • from datetime import datetime # For handling date and time data
  • import numpy as np # For numerical operations
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For data visualization
  • from xgboost import XGBRegressor # For implementing the XGBoost regression model
  • from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler # For feature scaling
  • from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # For principal component analysis
  • from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, GridSearchCV # For splitting data and hyperparameter tuning
  • from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression # For linear regression modeling
  • from sklearn.metrics import balanced_accuracy_score, accuracy_score, classification_report # For classification metrics
  • from sklearn.svm import SVR # For support vector regression modeling
  • from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score # For regression metrics
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For data visualization
  • from prophet import Prophet #For analysis using Prophet after installing via !pip install prophet in Jupyter Notebook.

Machine Learning Models

  • Prophet: Prophet is a forecasting tool developed by Facebook. It was used in this project due to its flexibility in modeling seasonal trends, its robustness to missing data, and its ability to provide intuitive parameter tuning. Prophet is particularly useful for predicting stock prices as it can effectively capture daily, weekly, and yearly seasonality along with holidays and other recurring events.
  • Support Vector Regression: Support Vector Regression (SVR) is a type of Support Vector Machine (SVM) used for regression tasks. It was chosen for this project because of its ability to handle non-linear relationships in the data. SVR aims to find the best-fit line within a specified margin of tolerance, making it robust to overfitting and suitable for predicting complex patterns in stock prices.
  • XGBoost: XGBoost was included in this project due to its ability to handle large datasets and its strong predictive power. XGBoost builds an ensemble of decision trees in a sequential manner, optimizing for the best splits and reducing errors at each step, making it a strong candidate for stock price prediction.
  • Linear Regression: Linear Regression was used in this project as a baseline model due to its simplicity and ease of interpretation. Despite its limitations in capturing non-linear relationships, Linear Regression provides a good starting point for understanding the basic trends in stock price data.
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that is well-suited for sequence prediction problems. It is chosen for this project due to its ability to remember long-term dependencies and handle the vanishing gradient problem, which is crucial for predicting stock prices based on historical data. LSTMs have three types of gates (input, forget, and output) that regulate the flow of information, making them powerful for time series prediction.

Target Variable

Financial Indicator

In this project, the closing price was chosen as the target variable for predicting stock prices using various ML Models, including Linear Regression and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. The closing price is a key indicator that summarizes the market sentiment at the end of each trading day.

  • Historical Trends: Reflects the overall market sentiment and trend for the day.
  • Reduced Complexity: Simplifies the model by using a single indicator, making it easier to train and understand.
  • Correlation: Many other indicators are highly correlated with the closing price, so including them might not add significant value.
  • Avoids Overfitting: Reduces the risk of overfitting by limiting the number of input features, ensuring the model generalizes better to new data.
  • Lack of Context: Does not capture intra-day price movements or trading volume.
  • Missing Insights: Ignores other potentially valuable indicators such as trading volume and the day's high and low prices.
  • Potential for Improved Accuracy: Other indicators might help capture more complex patterns, potentially improving the model's prediction accuracy.

Main Functions

  1. Data Extraction and Cleaning

    • Purpose: Extract historical stock data from sources (Yahoo Finance API and Survey of Consumers) clean and transform the data for model training.
    • Key Points:
      • Merges data from multiple sources.
      • Converts column names to common terms for ease of understanding.
      • Displays data before and after cleaning for transparency.
  2. Model Training, Evaluation and Comparison

    JMari: LSTM Neural Network Model on Stock Data

    • Purpose: Initialize, train, and evaluate LSTM models for predicting stock prices.
      • Key Points:
        • Utilizes LSTM's ability to handle sequential data for accurate predictions.
        • Demonstrates meaningful predictive power with at least 75% classification accuracy or 0.80 R-squared.
        • Documents the model optimization and evaluation process.
        • Displays overall model performance.
    • Results: The evaluation results show that the LSTM models performed well on both the training and test datasets for each of the ten selected stocks: AAPL, MSFT, JNJ, JPM, PG, XOM, NVDA, PFE, KO, and TSLA. The mean squared error (MSE) values are relatively low, indicating that the models can predict stock prices with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
      • High Accuracy: The models achieved a high level of accuracy, with percentage accuracy ranging between 91% and 97%.

      • Generalization: The models generalize well to the test data, indicating they can perform well on unseen data.

      • Consistency: The consistent performance across different stocks shows the robustness of the model architecture.

        Company Train MSE Test MSE Train R² Test R² Accuracy
        AAPL 0.0001 0.0004 0.9980 0.9540 ~95.8%
        MSFT 0.0001 0.0003 0.9981 0.9848 ~96.5%
        JNJ 0.0003 0.0004 0.9934 0.9420 ~95.3%
        JPM 0.0002 0.0006 0.9947 0.9781 ~95.9%
        PG 0.0003 0.0005 0.9956 0.9349 ~94.9%
        XOM 0.0003 0.0007 0.9900 0.9349 ~92.2%
        NVDA 0.0000 0.0002 0.9956 0.9950 ~97.2%
        PFE 0.0003 0.0004 0.9900 0.9933 ~97.3%
        KO 0.0005 0.0007 0.9873 0.9081 ~91.4%
        TSLA 0.0002 0.0006 0.9960 0.9608 ~94.5%

    Antoine: XGBoost, SVG, and LR Model on Stock Data

    • Purpose: To use the same Yahoo Finance data used to train the LSTM and train on other regression models.
    • Results: The results of our model evaluations are summarized below. The models were evaluated on a set of stocks, and their performance metrics are compared.
    • Models:
      • Linear Regression performed well with a low MSE and high R2 score across most stocks. It provided a solid baseline for comparison.
      • SVR showed higher MSE and RMSE values compared to other models, indicating less accuracy in predictions.
      • XGBoost demonstrated competitive performance with low MSE and high R2 scores, proving to be a robust model for stock price prediction.
      • LSTM outperformed the other models, achieving the lowest MSE and RMSE values, making it the most accurate model for this task.

    Example Results for AAPL:

    Linear Regression 0.167 0.127 0.33% 0.99999 0.02782
    SVR 11.452 5.752 12.69% 0.96346 131.13818
    XGBoost 0.819 0.495 0.77% 0.99981 0.67115
    LSTM 0.089 0.067 0.11% 0.99999 0.00791
    • Conclusion: While traditional machine learning models like Linear Regression and XGBoost performed well in predicting stock prices, the LSTM neural network provided the most accurate predictions. This highlights the strength of LSTM in capturing temporal dependencies in stock price data, making it a superior choice for this type of time-series prediction task.

    Leigh: Prophet Model on Stock Data

    • Purpose: To use the same Yahoo Finance data used to train the LSTM and train on Prophet model at the suggestion of class instructor.
    • Results: The results of Prophet model evaluation: The model was evaluated on a set of stocks, and their performance metrics using Prophet were abysmal in comparsion to metrics results from the LSTM model.
    Facebook Prophet MSE MAE MAPE
    AAPL 5247.21 66.9232 49.21%
    MSFT 3787.78 51.0889 19.62%
    JNJ 634.44 22.7357 13.69%
    JPM 576.93 20.9040 15.99%
    PG 2600.70 44.3451 31.80%
    XOM 852.44 22.6048 34.70%
    NVDA 265.19 14.5052 87.09%
    PFE 132.54 8.7898 18.67%
    KO 117.81 10.2080 18.81%
    TSLA 45850.34 188.6232 89.02%
    • Conclusion: In general, the Prophet model performed poorly compared to the LSMT model. It is evident that its performance metrics, including Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), fell significantly short compared to those achieved by the LSTM model. Across various stocks such as AAPL, MSFT, PG, NVDA, and TSLA, the Prophet model consistently exhibited higher errors and poorer accuracy, as highlighted by the provided data. The Prophet model's outcomes display its limitations in accurately forecasting stock prices compared to more complex models like LSTM in this specific dataset.

    Priscilla: XGBoost, SVG, and LR Model on Stock Data And Consumer Data

    • Purpose: Data cleanup to merge the stock data with the survey of consumers data. The rationale behind retesting the stock data model with the inclusion of new consumer features is to determine if these additional variables enhance the predictive accuracy of stock prices.
      • Consumer Features: Index of Consumer Sentiment, Index of Consumer Expectations, Index of Current Condition, Probability of Adequate Retirement Income, Probability of Increase in Stock Market in Next Year, Current Value of Stock Market Investments.
    • Models:
      • Support Vector Regression: Performed best on Pfizer Stock Data with a low mean error score (MSE of 6.62) and a high R² score of 0.90. Model performed adequately on AAPL (MSE of 410.58) and XOM (MSE of 168.19) stock with an accuracy of about 76%-80%. The model was underfit, with an accuracy score below 50% for 5/10 of the stocks tested.
      • XGBoost: The XGBoost model results indicate an overfitting problem, as evidenced by the near-perfect R² values of 1.0 and extremely low Mean Squared Error (MSE) values for all stocks. I tried regularization techniques by tuning parameters and using a different scaler. However, even when those techniques were applied to the model, the results were still overfit. Overall, the XGBoost model is not a good predictor of close value for the given stock data and date range.
      • Linear Regression: The highest performing stocks were AAPL and MSFT with around 76% accuracy for both. Apart from APPL (MSE of 468.33), MSFT (MSE of 1508.76), NVDA (MSE of 147.26), and XOM (MSE of 328.27), the model performed poorly on all other stocks, incurring a negative R² value for four out of ten stocks. In general, the linear regression did not accomplish an accuracy score over 77% for any stocks and it seems to have struggled with the given data.
    • Conclusion: In general, the SVR model generally performed better than the LR model and the XGBoost model, providing higher R² values and lower MSE across most stocks. This indicates that the SVR model is more effective at capturing the complex patterns in the stock and consumer data, making it a better choice for this dataset. However, the SVR model still has room for improvement and could benefit from further tuning of the SVR model parameters.
  3. Evaluation Metrics To assess the performance of each model, we used the following metrics:

    • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Measures the average of the squares of the errors between actual and predicted values.
    • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): The square root of the MSE, providing an error metric in the same unit as the target variable.
    • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): The average of the absolute errors between actual and predicted values.
    • Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE): The average of the absolute percentage errors between actual and predicted values.
    • R-squared (R2): The proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variables.
  4. Interactive Prediction App

    • Purpose: Provide an interactive interface for users to input specific dates and parameters to see predicted stock prices.
    • Key Points:
      • Allows predictions for any given stock for up to 1 year in advance.
      • Enhances user experience by making predictions easily accessible.
      • Saves predictions for future reference.
  5. Saving Models

    • Purpose: Save the trained LSTM model to disk.
    • Key Points:
      • Ensures the model can be reused without retraining.
      • Facilitates deployment and scalability.
      • Vital for maintaining model consistency across different runs and users.
  6. Saving Scalers

    • Purpose: Save the data scalers used during preprocessing.
    • Key Points:
      • Maintains the same scaling factors for future predictions.
      • Ensures consistency in data transformation.
      • Vital for accurate predictions, as differences in scaling can lead to significant errors.

Data Sources

  • Yahoo Finance API: Supplies historical stock data and additional financial indicators.
  • Survey of Consumers: The Surveys are conducted at the University of Michigan. Founded in 1946, the surveys have long stressed the important influence of consumer spending and saving decisions in determining the course of the national economy.

Individual Functions


  1. extract_data()

    • What it is: Function to extract historical stock data from Yahoo Finance.
    • Why it is in the code: Essential for obtaining the raw data needed for training the LSTM model.
    • Additional Point: Handles API requests and data formatting.
  2. clean_data()

    • What it is: Function to clean and preprocess the extracted stock data.
    • Why it is in the code: Ensures data quality and consistency for accurate model training.
    • Additional Point: Converts column names to user-friendly terms and handles missing values.
  3. transform_data()

    • What it is: Function to transform the cleaned data into a format suitable for LSTM model training.
    • Why it is in the code: Prepares data by scaling and reshaping it for time series analysis.
    • Additional Point: Splits data into training and testing sets.
  4. initialize_model()

    • What it is: Function to initialize the LSTM model with specified parameters.
    • Why it is in the code: Sets up the model architecture for training.
    • Additional Point: Defines the layers and configurations of the LSTM network.
  5. train_model()

    • What it is: Function to train the LSTM model on the prepared data.
    • Why it is in the code: Crucial for developing the predictive capabilities of the model.
    • Additional Point: Tracks model performance metrics during training.
  6. evaluate_model()

    • What it is: Function to evaluate the performance of the trained LSTM model.
    • Why it is in the code: Measures the accuracy and reliability of the model's predictions.
    • Additional Point: Generates performance reports and visualizations.
  7. save_model()

    • What it is: Function to save the trained LSTM model to disk.
    • Why it is in the code: Allows reuse of the model without retraining, saving time and computational resources.
    • Additional Point: Facilitates deployment and sharing of the model.
  8. save_scaler()

    • What it is: Function to save the data scalers used during preprocessing.
    • Why it is in the code: Ensures consistency in data scaling for future predictions.
    • Additional Point: Critical for maintaining prediction accuracy, as different scalings can lead to errors.

This script focuses on creating an interactive application for predicting future stock prices. It uses several key functions to load the pre-trained LSTM model, make predictions based on user inputs, and visualize the predicted stock prices. The application enhances user experience by providing an easy-to-use interface and clear visual representations of the predictions.

The script starts by loading the pre-trained LSTM model using the load_model() function, ensuring that the model is ready for making predictions. The predict_stock_prices() function takes user inputs, such as the stock ticker and the desired prediction date range, and uses the LSTM model to generate future stock price predictions. These predictions are then plotted alongside historical data using the plot_predictions() function, providing a visual comparison that helps users understand the trends and forecasts. Finally, the run_app() function initializes and runs the interactive application, handling user inputs and displaying the predictions.


Streamlit is a powerful and easy-to-use framework for building interactive web applications with Python. It was chosen for this project because it allows for rapid development and deployment of data-driven applications. Streamlit's simplicity in turning data scripts into shareable web apps without requiring extensive knowledge of web development makes it ideal for this project.

  • Benefits: Streamlit simplifies the creation of interactive and user-friendly applications, making it easy to visualize data and predictions. It supports rapid prototyping and deployment, which is crucial for iterative development.
  • Additional Points:
    • Integration: Streamlit seamlessly integrates with Python, allowing for direct use of Python functions and libraries.
    • Customization: Provides various widgets and customization options to enhance user interaction.
    • Community Support: A large and active community provides a wealth of resources, tutorials, and extensions to enhance functionality.

Individual Functions

  1. load_model()

    • What it is: Function to load the pre-trained LSTM model.
    • Why it is in the code: Enables the app to use the trained model for making predictions.
    • Additional Point: Handles model serialization and deserialization.
  2. predict_stock_prices()

    • What it is: Function to predict future stock prices based on user inputs.
    • Why it is in the code: Provides the core functionality of the interactive app.
    • Additional Point: Utilizes the LSTM model to generate predictions for up to one year in advance.
  3. plot_predictions()

    • What it is: Function to plot the predicted stock prices along with historical data.
    • Why it is in the code: Visualizes the predictions for better user understanding.
    • Additional Point: Enhances the user interface by providing clear and informative charts.
  4. run_app()

    • What it is: Function to run the interactive stock price prediction app.
    • Why it is in the code: Initializes and launches the app for user interaction.
    • Additional Point: Handles user inputs and displays predictions in a user-friendly manner.

Conclusion: Model Comparison

Through our comprehensive analysis, we found that the LSTM neural network outperformed all other models in predicting stock prices. The LSTM model demonstrated superior predictive accuracy, with lower Mean Squared Error (MSE) and higher R-squared (R²) values across the majority of the stocks. Traditional machine learning models like Linear Regression and XGBoost performed well, providing solid baseline predictions, but they were unable to match the LSTM's ability to capture temporal dependencies and long-term patterns in the data. The SVR model showed adequate performance for some stocks but generally lagged behind in accuracy compared to LSTM and XGBoost. The Prophet model, while useful for capturing seasonality and trends, fell significantly short in accuracy, highlighting its limitations in stock price prediction. Overall, our findings indicate that the LSTM neural network is the most effective model for this type of time-series prediction task, offering robust and reliable predictions for stock prices. Future work could focus on fine-tuning the LSTM model and exploring additional consumer and economic indicators to further enhance prediction accuracy.

The Best Model: LSTM


  • High Predictive Power: The LSTM models demonstrated high accuracy in predicting stock prices.
  • User-Friendly Application: The interactive app allows users to easily access predictions.
  • Comprehensive Data Handling: The project handles data extraction, cleaning, and merging from multiple sources efficiently.


  • Data Quality: The accuracy of predictions is highly dependent on the quality of the input data.
  • Model Complexity: LSTM networks are complex and require significant computational resources for training.

Initial Perceptions and Findings

  • Effectiveness of LSTM: LSTM networks proved effective in capturing the temporal dependencies in stock price data, resulting in accurate predictions.
  • Data Integration: Merging data from multiple stocks enhanced the robustness of the dataset, leading to better model performance.
  • User Engagement: The interactive app is functional and easy to use.

Real-World Application

This stock price prediction tool can be utilized by various professionals in the finance and investment sectors. Financial analysts can use the tool to forecast stock trends and provide insights to their clients. Portfolio managers can leverage the predictions to optimize their investment strategies and balance risks. Individual investors can use the app to make informed decisions about buying or selling stocks based on predicted future prices. Additionally, the tool can be beneficial for academic researchers studying market behavior and testing new financial theories. Overall, this project aims to enhance decision-making processes and contribute to more strategic investment planning.

Instructions for Running the Code

  1. Ensure all necessary libraries are installed before running the scripts.
  2. Configure API keys for data extraction from Yahoo Finance.
  3. Follow the detailed comments and pseudocode in the provided scripts for further understanding and customization.
  4. Data Extraction and Cleaning: Run the main.ipynb notebook to extract, clean, and transform the data.
  5. Model Training and Evaluation: Execute the Python script provided to train and evaluate the models.
  6. Interactive Prediction App: Use the to launch the interactive app for making stock price predictions.


The purpose of this project is to predict stock prices using historical data and financial indicators with LSTM networks. It involves data extraction, cleaning, model training, and an interactive app for predictions. This tool aids financial analysts, portfolio managers, and investors in making informed decisions.







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