This repository contains code and supplementary materials which are required to train and evaluate a model as described in the paper Text Segmentation as a Supervised Learning Task
Firstly, I want to acknowledge that this fork heavily builds upon the code from the original repository, with the changes mentioned in 18. I have implemented several performance optimizations and code improvements to enhance usability, as outlined in the commits.
Due to resource constraints, I could only train the model for a single epoch on Google Colab. If anyone is able to replicate the full results during testing, your contributions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I plan to spend time adding features and further optimizing the code as I find the opportunity. Below is a To-Do List of the upcoming enhancements I aim to implement:
- Add support for Multi-GPU training.
- Add TensorBoard logging for better tracking and visualization.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for additional features or improvements, feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request!
wiki-727K, wiki-50 datasets:
Fill relevant paths in, and execute the script (git repository includes Choi dataset)
conda create -n textseg python=3.10
conda activate textseg
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --help
python --cuda --model max_sentence_embedding --wiki
python --help
python --cuda --model <path_to_model> --wiki
python --input <input> --temp <temp_files_folder> --output <output_folder> --train <ratio> --test <ratio>
Input is the full path to the wikipedia dump, temp is the path to the temporary files folder, and output is the path to the newly generated wikipedia dataset.
Wikipedia dump can be downloaded from following url: