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Bourne Task App


📔 A collaborative task management app inspired by Trello.

Check it out live

Check out the source for the backend server (Express app using Nest framework)

"❓Why is the live site blurred initially?"

Initial loading behavior:

When you visit the live site, you might notice that it loads immediately but appears blurred, and some elements may not be clickable for a period ranging from several seconds to a few minutes. While this behavior may seem unusual, it is completely normal and stems from the following reasons:

  • The authorization server is hosted on a free-tier VM within This VM operates with minimal resources: 0.1 CPU and 512MB of RAM. To optimize costs, the server goes into sleep mode when inactive.
    • Additionally, when the server wakes, it makes a database connection with a database hosted in a free-tier MongoDB Atlas cluster which has limited resources also and that adds up to the wake up delay.
  • Upon loading the page, the React Query initiates a request to /api/users/me to verify the user's login status.
  • While isInitialLoading is true, a blur overlay is on top of the Authentication component.
  • This request serves to wake up the backend server VM, which requires some time due to its limited resources.
  • Subsequent requests to the server may exhibit improved responsiveness, but it's important to anticipate occasional delays in response times.


I submitted this app as my final project for the CS50 course. You can watch the video demo here:

Table of Contents


  • Support for Multiple projects
    • Users can create and manage multiple projects, each containing various tasks that can be organized into different task states.
  • Flexible Project and Task Assignments
    • With the capability to accommodate multiple users, any user who owns a project can invite others to become project members. Furthermore, project members, including the project owner, can be assigned to specific tasks within the project. This enables collaborative task management within your projects.
    • ⚠️ Note: Please be aware that the feature for manually inviting users to a project is not currently implemented. Instead, when added by the project owner to a specific project, a user is automatically included as a project member.

Registering a new account


Creating a project and adding users as project members


Creating a task and assigning project members to task


Technical Details:

  • Authentication and Authorization
    • Continuous Authentication: The access token is automatically refreshed when it approaches expiration. Additionally, a refresh request is sent as long as the refresh token remains valid.
    • ⚠️ Disclaimer: Please note that the refresh and access tokens are stored in localStorage, which is NOT considered a secure storage method. Enhanced security measures, such as storing tokens in HTTP-only cookies and in memory, are recommended for production applications. Token rotation/revocation is not implemented on the backend for this demonstration app.
  • RESTful API
    • CRUD: Backend operations strictly adhere to appropriate HTTP methods following the REST architectural style.
    • Axios Integration: API calls are managed through Axios, which automatically includes the required bearer tokens for authentication.
  • Async State Management
    • React Query: The server's state serves as the primary data source, with React Query handling data caching and ensuring up-to-date information.
  • API and Authentication Servers
    • Consolidated Functionality: To simplify the application's architecture, the API and authentication functionality are combined into a single server. All requests are directed to the same base URL and are distinguished by routing.
  • Nest Framework using Express
    • Backend Framework: The backend is built on the Nest framework, which simplifies the Express application through dependency injection and routing.



$ yarn install


# development
$ yarn dev


$ yarn test


$ yarn build


Feel free to open an issue/PR if you have a question, suggestion, whatever.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.


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