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Coding guidelines

Julien Férard edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 4 revisions

Here is the FastODS interpretation of some classic coding guidelines. FastODS code is written in accordance with this interpretation.

Understanding these guidelines may:

  • help users to understand the codebase
  • help contributors

General guidelines

Principle FastODS interpretation
Single responsibility principle As few private methods as possible: a private method is either useless or should be attached to a specific class. This class is package private, and the method become public and testable. Classes are short, excepted the facade classes.
Open closed principle Wait for 1.0.0 release .
Liskov substitution principle Do not hesitate to create interfaces.
Interface segregation principle Do not hesitate to create interface hierarchies.
Composition over inheritance No inheritance, no magic! Every method is explicitely delegated to the class that will handle it.
Use overloading judiciously Each class has only one constructor. This make the class more testable. There may be static methods to create an object with default parameters.
Minimize mutability Use the builder pattern and avoid setters. A class that is not initialized by the constructor will be responsible for reaching a correct state with setters, and thus has at least two reponsibilities.

Note The dependency inversion principle is less useful in a specialized library like FastODS.


FastODS tests follow the record/replay/verify principle.

The canonical form of a FastODS test with mocks is:

public void test() {
    // create objects

    PowerMock.resetAll(); // this is the signal for record
    // record

    PowerMock.replayAll(); // this is the signal for replay
    // replay WITHOUT assertions

    PowerMock.verifyAll(); // this is the signal for verify
    // assertions go here

If there is no assertion in the whole test class, PowerMock.verifyAll() is in a tearDown method.

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