Name: Smart Device Laser Attack
Team: 9
Members: Seth Jeroutek, Matthew Bowlby, Arthur Jur
'conv.m' must be run inside of MATLAB. This converts our sound files into csv files. Sound files that are stereo are converted from stereo to mono prior to conversion based on the input.
Usage: conv.m("<input (audio)>", "<output (csv)>", <tomono [0,1]>)
This holds our code for our attempt at amplitude modulation. We ultimately did not use this.
Usage: python <audio_file> <output_file> <carrier frequency> <graph [0,1]>
This is the code used to generate our text-to-speech (TTS) lines.
Usage: python <text> <filename> <rate [0-200]> <volume [0.0-1.0]> <voice [0,1]>
This serves as a high-pass filter, changing small values in the waveform presented in a CSV file to 0 to clean up the waveform.
Usage: python <input_file> <output_file>