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Releases: jd-opensource/joylive-agent


03 Dec 08:29
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What's Changed

  1. Hot fix for policy timed update

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2


03 Dec 05:59
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What's Changed

  1. Hot fix for swimlane policy

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


29 Nov 05:14
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What's Changed

  1. Added support for routing governance of outbound traffic from Spring Cloud gRPC
  2. Added support for synchronizing policies from Nacos configuration center
  3. Added support for Spring Cloud Hoxton & 2020 & 2022
  4. Improved swimlane routing
  5. Added support for configuring write method prefixes in service multi-active strategies
  6. Added support for Fastjson2 as a JSON and JsonPath parser
  7. Fixed the issue of missing circuit breaker metrics
  8. Fixed the problem of stack overflow when getting weights
  9. Fixed other issues

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0


04 Nov 08:09
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What's Changed

  1. Supports Spring Cloud gRPC inbound traffic governance.
  2. Support for cluster priority routing.
  3. InboundFilter has been changed to asynchronous mode.
  4. Support for using JsonPath or ValuePath to get error codes.
  5. Optimized liveless service routing.
  6. Improved group routing.
  7. Retry strategy now includes method matching conditions.
  8. Support for disabling conflicting Spring Cloud instance providers.
  9. Support for token authentication.
  10. Support for leaky bucket and smooth warmup token bucket rate limiting algorithms.
  11. Support for rate limiting based on system load.
  12. RPC now also supports Query and Cookie matching for hot parameter rate limiting.
  13. Service registration now includes warm-up parameters, including startup time, weight, and warm-up time.
  14. Fixed the issue of not being able to return non-standard HTTP response codes.
  15. Fixed routing issues under multiple spaces.
  16. Fixed the issue where retry did not handle wrapped exceptions properly.
  17. Fixed the notification problem of routing.
  18. Fixed the issue of getting response body when Spring Cloud Gateway is in circuit breaking mode.
  19. Fixed the case sensitivity issue with HTTP Header and Cookie names.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v1.4.0


12 Oct 06:40
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What's Changed

  • Fix inbound interception policy failure

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.3


10 Oct 06:31
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What's Changed

  1. Fix a Null Pointer Exception (NPE).


30 Sep 06:49
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What's Changed

  1. Fix the default retry policy from spring gateway request.
  2. Support spring cloud gateway only enable multi-live and lane feature.
  3. Add auth and permission policy.
  4. Fix FailsafeClusterInvoker response.
  5. Fix circuit breaker for reactive.
  6. Fix Unready inbound filter error.
  7. Fixing the lack of unified handling for live exceptions.

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1


24 Sep 11:40
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  1. Support for local cloud priority during cell fault tolerance, reducing dedicated line bandwidth usage.
  2. Circuit breaker and retry, supporting the use of JsonPath to extract exception codes from response bodies.
  3. Support for adaptive load balancing algorithms.
  4. Add accessMode in CellRoute, ensuring that business cell failures do not affect other businesses.
  5. RouteFilter and OutboundFilter have been split.
  6. Rejection types have been refined, making it easier to collect circuit breaker and rate limiter data.
  7. Added a demo application for SofaRpc.
  8. Fixed issues in SofaRpc.
  9. Fixed issues with tag routing.
  10. Fixed policy synchronization problems.
  11. Fixed other issues and improved stability.


26 Aug 06:28
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  • Add spring cloud 2023 support.
  • Add auth inbound filter.
  • Fixed some general bugs and improved stability.


17 Jul 06:48
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  1. Add complete circuit-break policy support.
  2. Add OutboundListener support to refine more governance enhancement pointcuts.
  3. Add rabbitmq, pulsar tag transmission support.
  4. Fixed some general bugs and improved stability.