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Artsy is a forum by artists and for artists, to share artwork and ideas with friends and the wider community

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Capstone: Artsy (API)

'Artsy' is an application in which sharing art with your friends and followers is easier than ever. Each user has their own profile containing a timeline of everything they have posted, liked, shared and specific collections they’ve created. They also have their own dashboard feed which shows all of the art posted by the people they follow in chronological order. We want the user to interact with posts by commenting, liking, and sharing!

Designed and Built by: Michaela Bateman, Jerrad Moon, Jonathan Cochran, Sacha Sedriks

1. Working Prototype

You can access a working prototype of the React app at:

API Hosted at:

Corresponding clientside React.js repo at:

2. Technology

  • Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
  • Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints, Postgres, and Cloudinary API (for image storage)
  • Development Environment: Vercel, Heroku, DBeaver

3. Functionality & Views

CLICK to expand to view screenshots

Landing Page / Introduction for the unsigned-in user

landing page

Login /login Demo account available with demo and Passw0rd


Register /login


Explore Feed /feed/explore Displays all posts from across the community

explore feed

"Home" Feed /feed/home Displays posts by people that the user explicitly follows

home feed

User Comments Touching the comment icon displays all comments associated with a post and the ability to add comments.


Profile: posts (default) /profile/:username User's profile features all their posts, as well as sub-nav to view users they are following and their followers.

profile posts

Profile: followers /profile/:username

profile followers

Add Post /upload & Edit Post /edit/:postId

profile followers

4. Wireframes & User Flows

suite of views

See: 'Greybox' HTML Wireframes

See: User Flows

5. Front-end Structure _ React Components Map

Components are stateless unless otherwise noted as useState.

  • Index.js
    • App.js useState
      • Nav.js
      • Home.js
        • LandingPage.js
      • SignIn.js
        • Login.js useState
        • Register.js useState
      • Feed.js useState
      • SoloPost.js useState
      • UploadPost.js useState
      • EditPost.js useState
      • EditPost.js useState
      • Profile.js useState
        • ProfileFeed.js useState
          • Post.js useState
            • Comments.js useState
        • Followers.js useState
      • Footer.js

6. Back-end Structure - Business Objects

  • Users (database table)

    • id (auto-generated, INT)
    • username (email validation, VARCHAR(50))
    • password (at least 8 chars, at least one alpha and a special character validation)
    • email (VARCHAR(100))
    • bio (VARCHAR(255))
    • date_created (timestamp default now)
  • Posts (database table)

    • id (auto-generated, INT)
    • user_id (foreign key for users, INT)
    • title (VARCHAR(50))
    • pic (VARCHAR(100), url string from cloudinary)
    • desc_post (VARCHAR(144))
    • date_created (timestamp default now)
  • Comments (database table)

    • id (auto-generated, INT)
    • post_id (foreign key from post table, INT)
    • user_id (foreign key from user table, INT)
    • desc_comment (VARCHAR(144))
  • Likes (database table) (descoped from mvp functionality )

    • id (auto-generated, INT)
    • post_id (foreign key from posts, INT)
    • user_id (foreign key for users, INT)
  • Followers (database table)

    • followed_user_id (foreign key for users, INT)
    • follower_user_id (foreign key for users, INT)
    • Unique (followed_user_id, follower_user_id, creates unique index for each)

7. API Documentation

API Documentation details:

  • /api/auth Operations for authentification of user

    • POST /api/auth/login To sign-in user and create JWT Token for the session
  • /api/users Operations about user

    • POST /api/users To create a new user via registration
    • GET /api/users To get list of all users (password bcrypted)
    • GET /api/users/:userid To get particular user info
    • PUT /api/users/:userid To update user profile settings
  • /api/followers Operations associated with 'subscribing' to users

    • POST /api/followers/:id To follow user
    • GET /api/followers To get list of...
    • GET /api/followers/followers/:id To get list of users a :userid follows
    • GET /api/followers/following/:id To get list of users that follow :userid
    • DELETE /api/followers/:id To un-follow a user
  • /api/posts Operations for a post

    • POST /api/posts To create a new post
    • GET /api/posts To get all posts
    • GET /api/posts/feed/:id To get all posts by users a :userid follows, including their own
    • GET /api/posts/profile To get all posts created by a :userid (for their personal profile)
    • GET /api/posts/:id To get a particular post
    • PUT /api/posts/:id To update a post
    • DELETE /api/posts/:id To delete a post
  • /api/comments Operations for comments associated with a post

    • POST /api/comments To create a new comment associated with a :postid
    • GET /api/comments To get all comments
    • GET /api/comments/:id To get a comment
    • GET /api/comments/post/:id To get all comments associated with a :postid
    • PATCH /api/comments/:id To update a comment
    • DELETE /api/comments/:id To delete a comment

Development Roadmap (to do later)

This is v1.0 of the app, but future enhancements are expected to include:

  • Personalized avatar image for profile
  • Liking a post (only to save it to your profile, not public)
  • Re-posting someone else's post
  • Pagnination of posts in a feed via an "infinity scroll" mechanic
  • Deletion of images stored in the Cloudinary database thru our server
  • More compelling non-signed experience, especially on the landing page

How to run it

Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal

Local React scripts

  • To install the react project ===> npm install
  • To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
  • To run tests ===> npm run test

Local Node scripts

  • To install the node project ===> npm install
  • To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate -- 1
  • To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
  • To run tests ===> npm run test


Artsy is a forum by artists and for artists, to share artwork and ideas with friends and the wider community







No releases published



Contributors 4
