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Debugging output for Raspberry PICO using OLED display (SSD1306)

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Debugging output for Raspberry PICO using OLED display (SSD1306) and PICO C++ SDK

example implementation

Examples are now included! check out the Temp_Sensor example or others in this repo!

#include "ssd1306.h"

void main(){
    SSD1306 display(128, 64, 0x3C, false);    // setup the object
    display.init_i2c(i2c0, 4, 5);             // start i2c
    display.init_display();                   // send commands to initialize the SSD1306
    char c[50];
    int i=0;                                  // var to debug
    display.setCursor(0,0);                   // start at top left of screen 0 x 0 pixels
        sprintf(c, "(int) i: %d",i);          // prepare output
        display.writeln(c);                   // write data to buffer
        sleep_ms(250);                        // Wait 1/4 second and proceed

See it in action



  • Refine command functions to increase framerate
  • Add additional fonts
  • Move private functions to correct access level
  • Enhance this library to be a full graphics driver for the SSD1306 OLED
  • Comment functions for intellisense
  • Fully document library