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Fretboard Foundation

This is the source code for a book I’m slowly writing called Fretboard Foundation: Practical building blocks for intermediate guitarists, hosted at

The website is rendered into static HTML with Jekyll via GitHub Pages, using a custom Jekyll theme I created to support a proper book format and my preferred workflow (jekyll-chapterbook).


Copyright © 2022-2024 by Jason Grimes.

Style guide

See Journal of Music Theory Style Guide.

Citation style

Adding references and citations

See references in the jekyll-chapterbook documentation.

Testing the site locally

Install Ruby, Bundler, and Jekyll

Install versions to match

Install RVM

Install the same version of Ruby used by GitHub pages, and then the jekyll gem.

rvm install ruby-2.7.4
gem install jekyll

Install required Jekyll gems with bundler

rvm use 2.7.4
bundle install

Run the site

rvm use 2.7.4
bundle exec jekyll serve

Open the site locally at

Connect to local site from mobile, etc.

Find your IP address:

IP=`ifconfig en0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}'`
echo $IP

Bind jekyll serve to it:

bundle exec jekyll serve --host=$IP

Then connect to it from a mobile or other device on the same network using the IP address from $IP and port 4000.

For example:

Generating the printable single-page version

Update the edition version

Edit _config.yml and set latest_edition to the name of the new edition. (This will appear on the title page.)

Render the PDF

Generate the site locally as described above.

Use the bin/bookbinder utiltity to compile all of the rendered HTML chapters into a single file and modify all the HTML links and anchor tags accordingly. Then wrap it in the printable header and footer (printable-head.html and printable-footer.html). (Note that bookbinder is compiled for Apple Silicon. To use it on other architectures, see

cd _site
../bin/bookbinder $(<printmap.txt) >printable-inner.html && \
  cat printable-head.html printable-inner.html printable-footer.html >../printable.html

Then open the printable file http://localhost:4000/printable.html in a web browser, and proofread the rendered preview. Make sure that pagination looks good throughout. If needed, add or remove page breaks by appending the following helper classes in appropriate places in the markdown: {} and {}.

When it looks good, print it via the browser and select "Save as PDF". (Note that as of this writing, there's a bug in Chrome on Mac that prevents the pagination from rendering properly, but it works when using Safari or Firefox.)

Save the PDF file to your local system as Fretboard-Foundation-v2.pdf (replace v2 with the current version/edition number).

Tag a new release in GitHub

Commit and push the changes to GitHub. Then create a new release for the new edition on the GitHub website, following the existing naming convention at

Upload the PDF file to the github release form as a binary.

Update the PDF download forms at ConvertKit

Update the download file for each individual form at ConvertKit that sends the PDF.

Generating offline site

With jekyll

RMDIRS=(tmp assets/archives assets/demo)
RMFILES=(CNAME Gemfile Gemfile.lock *.code-workspace)
bundle exec jekyll build --baseurl=. \
    && for dir in $RMDIRS; do echo "Removing $dir"; rm -rf _site/$dir; done \
    && for file in $RMFILES; do echo "Removing $file"; rm _site/$file; done \
    && du -sh _site

With httrack

datestamp=`date -I`
httrack -w -O ./fretboardfoundation-$datestamp -v --max-rate=1000000000 --sockets=50 --disable-security-limits --display --assume svg=application/octet-stream -o0

rm -rf fretboardfoundation-$datestamp/hts-cache

zip -r fretboardfoundation-$ fretboardfoundation-$datestamp

Making simple staff notation with VexFlow

const note = "C/4";
const filename = "note-C4.svg";

// Create a VexFlow renderer attached to the DIV element with id="output".
const { Factory, StaveNote } = Vex.Flow;
const vf = new Factory({
  renderer: {
    elementId: "output",
    width: 80,
    height: 130,
// Create a guitar staff, displaced down one octave
    voices: [
        new StaveNote({
          keys: [note],
          duration: "w",
          octave_shift: -1,
  .addClef("treble", "default", "8vb");

// Hack to append a download link for the generated SVG
const svgData = $("#output")[0].innerHTML.replace(
  "<svg ",
  '<svg xmlns="" '
const svgBlob = new Blob([svgData], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" });
const svgUrl = URL.createObjectURL(svgBlob);
const downloadLink = document.createElement("a");
downloadLink.innerText = "Download";
downloadLink.href = svgUrl; = filename;

Generating bulk redirect list to change book site domain name

  • Build the site offline using instructions above.
  • cd _site
  • Make redirects for chapters and pages
cat sitemap.txt | sed 's/^https\:\/\///' | awk '{ print "https://" $1 "," "https://book." $1 }' > redirect-pages.csv
  • Manually edit the redirects to remove:
    • privacy.html
    • index.html
    • editions.html
  • Manually add to redirects:
    • Add at top (make sure it's a 302 (temporary) redirect):,,302

If it's ever needed, make redirects for figures as follows. (It's not needed because we only need to redirect the pages that could have been bookmarked or indexed by search engines. Once redirected, the locally hosted images work.)

find ./assets/figures -type f  | sed 's/^\.//' | awk '{ print "https://fretboardfoundation" $1 "," "" $1 }' > redirect-figures.csv


A free book about learning guitar for intermediate guitarists.






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