Package wfs provides writable io/fs.FS interfaces.
// WriterFile is a file that provides an implementation fs.File and io.Writer.
type WriterFile interface {
// WriteFileFS is the interface implemented by a filesystem that provides an
// optimized implementation of MkdirAll, CreateFile, WriteFile.
type WriteFileFS interface {
MkdirAll(dir string, mode fs.FileMode) error
CreateFile(name string, mode fs.FileMode) (WriterFile, error)
WriteFile(name string, p []byte, mode fs.FileMode) (n int, err error)
// RemoveFileFS is the interface implemented by a filesystem that provides an
// implementation of RemoveFile.
type RemoveFileFS interface {
RemoveFile(name string) error
RemoveAll(name string) error
This is one of the solutions to an issue of
The following packages are an implementation of wfs.
CopyFS walks the specified root directory on src and copies directories and files to dest filesystem. The following code is an example.
package main
import (
func main() {
src := s3fs.New("your-bucket")
dst := osfs.DirFS("local-dir")
// NOTE: Copy files on s3://your-bucket to local-dir.
if err := wfs.CopyFS(dst, src, "."); err != nil {