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Releases: janosh/pymatviz


18 Jul 22:31
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What's Changed

💥 Breaking Changes

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Moving enums may have broken end users pickle's, reduce to str when pickling to be more backwards compatible going forward. by @CompRhys in #176
  • Fix unit test for ptable plotly by @DanielYang59 in #177

🛠 Enhancements

  • Better default ptable_heatmap_plotly tooltips by @janosh in #178

📖 Documentation

Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.3


07 Jul 21:28
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🧪 lots of new test coverage in this release!

What's Changed

💥 Breaking Changes

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix missing keys Te + Nd in ELEM_COLORS_VESTA and support it in plot_structure_2d by @janosh in #173
  • Fix ptable_heatmap_plotly color scale tick labels for log=True by @janosh in #174

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.9.2


05 Jul 00:28
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What's Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix bad NPY002 migration by @janosh in #163
  • Add toggle_log_linear_y_axis powerup by @janosh in #165
  • Fix density_scatter_plotly metric annotation by @janosh in #166
  • Fix and test ptable_heatmap text color logic by @janosh in #169
  • Fix count_elements for series of Composition by @janosh in #170

🛠 Enhancements

  • Add plot_xrd_pattern() for creating interactive XRD patterns with plotly by @janosh in #167
  • plot_xrd_pattern accept DiffractionPattern | Structure as input by @janosh in #168
  • Split powerups module by backend: matplotlib/plotly/both by @janosh in #171

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1


22 Jun 00:53
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What's Changed

💥 Breaking Changes

  • pymatviz.parity was renamed to pymatviz.scatter by @janosh in #161

🎉 New Features

  • Add pymatviz.histogram.plot_histogram by @janosh in #159 (💥 breaking)
  • density_scatter_plotly() by @janosh in #161 (💥 breaking)

🐛 Bug Fixes

🛠 Enhancements

  • Support passing sequence of structures to plot_structure_2d() to be plotted in grid by @janosh in #156
  • ptable_scatters allow 3rd data dimension for colormap by @DanielYang59 in #155

💡 Refactoring

Full Changelog: v0.8.3...v0.9.0


30 May 17:20
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What's Changed

  • Add mlff_phonons.ipynb example notebook by @janosh in #144
  • Fix ptable_heatmap_splits TypeErrors by @janosh in #146
  • MatPES EDA script by @janosh in #147
  • Add keyword log: bool = False to spacegroup_hist to log scale y-axis by @janosh in #148
  • [Enhancement/Breaking] Refactor ptable_hists by @DanielYang59 in #149
  • Handle missing value (NaN) and infinity for ptable data by @DanielYang59 in #152
  • Fix PTableProjector.hide_f_block property by @janosh in #154

Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3


11 May 16:32
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What's Changed

  • plot_phonon_bands() add kwargs branch_mode: "union" | "intersection" = "union" and branches: Sequence[str] = () by @janosh in #124
  • add_best_fit_line() power-up by @janosh in #125
  • Add validate_fig decorator utility by @janosh in #126
  • MACE-MP pair repulsion curves by @janosh in #127
  • Copy color options for element types from ptable_plots to ptable_hists by @janosh in #129
  • Migrate to flat eslint config file by @DanielYang59 in #137
  • Refactor ptable plotters and add ptable_heatmap with diagonally-split tiles by @DanielYang59 in #131
  • Remove text background and fix z-order in structure_viz by @DanielYang59 in #139
  • Add keyword hide_f_block: bool = None (La and Ac series) to ptable plotters by @DanielYang59 in #140
  • Add pymatviz/ for SSOT on dataframe column and dict key names by @janosh in #143

Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.8.2


11 Feb 17:31
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What's Changed

  • Add plot_phonon_dos() for interactive plotly DOS plots by @janosh in #113
  • Add show_values: bool = True to ptable_heatmap[_plotly]() and last_peak_anno: str to plot_phonon_dos() by @janosh in #114
  • Add plot_phonon_bands_and_dos() by @janosh in #115
  • Spacegroup hist plotly by @janosh in #116
  • add_ecdf_line() utility for plotting empirical cumulative distribution functions by @janosh in #117
  • Add pytest fixtures df_(float|mixed) to replace deleted pd._testing.make(Mixed)DataFrame() by @janosh in #121
  • Minor format tweaks by @DanielYang59 in #120
  • Add ptable_scatter by @DanielYang59 in #122
  • Breaking: rename custom plotly template pymatviz_(black->dark) by @janosh in #123

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1


15 Dec 22:58
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What's Changed

  • plot_structure_2d add special site_labels: "symbol" | "species" by @janosh in #101
  • Breaking: rename get_crystal_sys to crystal_sys_from_spg_num by @janosh in #103
  • Add class TqdmDownload by @janosh in #104
  • ptable_heatmap add keywords cbar_range and cbar_kwargs by @janosh in #105
  • ptable_heatmap_plotly support 1s, 0s and negative values with log=True by @janosh in #107
  • Add function ptable_hists by @janosh in #100
  • Tweaks by @janosh in #108
  • Support matplotlib Axes and Figure in add_identity_line by @janosh in #109
  • Define custom pymatviz plotly templates by @janosh in #110
  • Add hist_kwds arg to ptable_hists to customize histograms by @janosh in #111
  • Add plot_band_structure in new pymatviz/ module by @janosh in #112

Full Changelog: v0.7.3...v0.8.0


05 Nov 03:48
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What's Changed

  • Add si_fmt() for formatting large numbers in human-readable format by @janosh in #98
  • Add styled_html_tag() in by @janosh in #99

Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.3


30 Oct 19:21
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What's Changed

  • Add keyword default_styles: bool = True to df_to_pdf by @janosh in #96
  • Breaking: Fix and rename df_to_(svelte->html)_table by @janosh in #97

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2