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This repository contains my solution for a coding challenge as part of Crossmint's Internship program.

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Coding Challenge | Crossmint - Internship Application

This repository contains my solution for a coding challenge as part of Crossmint's Internship program.

Table of Contents πŸ“‘

Project Structure πŸ“

β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“src
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€   # API interactions
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€     # Definition of astral objects using subclasses
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€     			# Util functions for development
β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“docs
β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“build
β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“html				# HTML documentation files ✨
β”‚ β”‚ β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ (HTML documentation files)
β”‚ └── (...)
β”œβ”€β”€ .env.template           # Template for environment variables
β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.txt        # Python package dependencies
β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore

Setup πŸ”§

  1. Clone the repository and install the required packages:

    git clone && cd crossmint-challenge && pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Configure environment variables

    • Copy the .env.template to a new .env file
       cp .env.template .env
    • Edit and fill the .env file with the correct values

Running Instructions 🦾

To run the application use the following command:

python src/

Documentation πŸ“š

This project uses Sphinx to generate documentation from the Google-style docstrings added in the code.

View Documentation πŸ‘€

If you want to view the documentation, open the index.html file in your browser.

Updating the Documentation πŸ”„

To update/create the documentation, run the following command in the project's root directory:

cd docs && sphinx-apidoc -o source ../src && make html

This command builds the HTML documentation from the docstrings added in the application

Challenge Approach 🧩

During this section you can find a detailed explanation of the approach and steps taken in order to solve Crossmint's Internship Challenge.

Development Time Summary:

Total: 4-5 hours

🚧 Warning: If you're not in the mood for detailed explanations of code or my solving/thought processes, feel free to skip to the next Personal improvements section! πŸ˜„

1. Preparation, analysis and planning of approach πŸ”

1.1 Analysis and understanding of the problem

    Click here to see the steps taken!
    • Thorough understanding of the challenge, its requirements and the evaluation criteria.
    • Reading and understanding of the provided Megaverse API Documentation while quickly refreshing my knowledge on REST APIs
    • Considered different ways of approaching the problem and thought of potential Python packages dependencies.
    • Break down of the problem into small tasks to make it easier to solve.

1.2 Environment set up and creation of the GitHub Repo

    Project Structure Details

    Designed a basic structure for the project to ensure that the project is: modular, scalable, mantainable and easy to understand:

    β”œβ”€β”€ πŸ“src					# Folder with source code files
    β”‚ └── *.py
    β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.txt        # To fill during development with package dependencies
    β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore				# Basic .gitignore for temporary/cache/private files
    Packages and source files pseudo-code
    • Intalled and added to requirements.txt basic needed Python packages like requests for API interactions and python-dotenv for environment variables.
    • Created source files with pseudo-code depending on their code functionality
      1. as main entry point of the program
      2. for code regarding API interactions.
      3. for defining the astral objects of the megaverse

2. Development for Phase 1 πŸ“ˆ

2.1 Progressed with

    1. Handling private information needed for interacting with the API

    I considered some information needed for interacting with the API to be private (my candidate ID and the API base URL).

    Implementing a solution for this:

    This situation lead me to store this information in 2 environment variables located in a new ignored .env file in the root directory of the repository.

    Implemented a new function get_env_variable for retrieving the value of both variables stored in the .env file.

    • New package needed: python-dotenv (added to requirements.txt).
    • Implemented error handling for inexistent or empty variables in .env file.
    2. Creation of the API Client.

    Implemented a new ApiClient class with the goal of handling interactions with the megaverse API. Steps taken:

    • Implementation of the __init__ method using the candidate_id and base_url of the API.
    • Implementation of the get_goal_map method for retrieving my current goal map and validating that the interaction with the API worked as expected with the given candidate_id and url.
    • Implementation of the create_polyanet method
    • Implementation of the _post helper method

2.2 Testing progress made in

    Details of new

    Created main function for testing the functionality of by:

    • Retrieving candidate_id and base_url values using the get_env_variable function
    • Created api_client variable and assigned it to the initilization of ApiClient with candidate_id and base_url.
    • Retrieved goal_map value using the method get_goal_map from api_client

    After finishing this step I figured it would be a good idea to implement a new helper method in the ApiClient for handling potential API errors. See implementation in: 2.5 Handling API Errors

2.3 Progressed with

    Created parent class AstralObject
    • Implemented __init__ method using row and column attributes that indicate an object's position
    • Implemented create abstract method for ensuring that every child class of AstralObject implements a create method. If it's doesn't, it raises a NotImplementedError.
    Defined child classes for AstralObject representing each megaverse objects
    • Polyanet: Implemented create method, which uses api_client.create_polyanet and the object's position for creating the desired object.
    • Soloon and Cometh sketched for now, since they were not needed yet

2.4 Progressed with

Updated for evaluating the progress made until now by incorporating the functions and classes developed.

    1. Created new function create_megaverse

    Note: Function located in due to its importance and direct relationship with the main


    • Parses the given goal_map and creates a list megaverse_objects based on the retrieved information. Each element of the list contains an astral object class with its position (e.g. "Polyanet(row, column)").
    • Iterates megaverse_objects and creates each object using the create method of such object class using the variable api_client as argument.
    • At the end, it returns the megaverse_objects list. This return simply facilitates the usage of util functions like print_megaverse for development and debugging uses.
    2. Updated main to incorporate the new create_megaverse

    Integrating this new function in the main allowed me to integrate all the functions and classes developed for completing my first megaverse!

2.5 Handling API Errors

Details of the new implementation for error handling

Even though the first phase was successfully finished, before moving to the second phase I prioritized the implementation of a clean and comprehensive error handler regarding API exceptions. This way I could get rid of repetitive handling of exceptions found in various methods.

Steps taken to achieve this:

  1. Created new _handle_error helper method inside the ApiClient class.
  2. Added different messages depending on multiple types of request exceptions. This way I made sure of handling diverse HTTP and connection errors, timeouts and other unexpected errors.
  3. For improving the error handling output, I added an extra argument re_raise=False. If re_raise is True, after printing the specific error message of an exception, the caught exception is re raised and outputs the Traceback of the exception. It is False by default in order to simplify the output of the error. It can be easily changed to True if futher detail of the Exception is needed.
  4. Finally, I updated the other methods so that they manage exceptions using this new _handle_error helper method.

This step required further testing of the program when encountering diverse types of errors.

3. Development for Phase 2 πŸš€

3.1 Finished functionality of (ApiClient Class)

    Implemented create_soloon and create_cometh methods

    Implemented both of these new methods to the ApiClient Class with their respective url.

    Both methods are very similar to the create_polyanet but they include an extra key in their data dictionary (color for soloons and direction for comeths).

    Implemented exponential backoff logic to the _post method

    Implemented exponential backoff retry logic when receiving exceptions regarding "Too Many Request for URL". Regarding any other exceptions, it uses the _handle_error helper method.

    Note: The retry method is performed as long as the indicated exception occurs less than 5 times in a row.

3.2 Finished functionality of

Finished the missing child classes of AstralObject: Soloon and Cometh

Both are very similar to the Polyanet subclass with some extra things to take into account.

  • Both of these child classes include an __init__ method that inherits the row and column attributes from their parent class AstralObject and contain an extra attribute that is specific to each class.
    • Soloon's specific attribute is color
    • Cometh's specific attribute is direction
  • Implemented create method to both new child classes, which uses api_client.create_[object_name] (where [object name] is soloon or cometh) providing as arguments the object's inherited and specific attributes (row, column and color/direction).

3.3 Finished functionality of

Finally, I will provide a much more detailed explanation of how I managed to finish the second phase of the challenge by updating create_megaverse. By making the function able to successfully interpret the objects present in the goal_map.

Click here for Details! | Updated create_megaverse

It is important to understand that in order to create a Soloon or Cometh we need not only the row and column attributes for knowing that object's position but we also need to know its specific attributes. For Soloon objects we need its color and, for Cometh objects we need its direction.

To achieve this, I updated the goal_map parsing to also look for values ending with the word SOLOON and COMETH. If it finds a value with such characteristics, it retrieves the object's specific attribute (color/direction) from the object's name.

EXAMPLE: Detailed functionality explanation:

Let me explain the map parsing functionality with an example where [goal_map : ["BLUE_SOLOON", ...]]:

  • What us mortal should interpret: goal_map says that there should be a Blue Soloon at the first row and column of our map.

  • REMINDER: Attributes needed for creating a Soloon are: row, column and color.

How does create_megavese interpret this?

  • During the map parsing, at the first column and row of the map we find the value "BLUE_SOLOON", which ends with the word SOLOON.

    Great! Now I know I have to create a new Soloon at row=0 and column=0

  • Current missing information for creating a Soloon: desired value for the color attribute.

  • To find out the color of the Soloon, the function uses the following line of code:

    color = value.split('_')[0].lower()

    Let's break down in a "code-like" format what this line does following the same example:

    # Reminder: in this example, value = "BLUE_SOLOON"
    # 1. Splits into two `"BLUE_SOLOON"` with `"_"` as delimiter --> ["BLUE", "SOLOON"]
    	"BLUE_SOLOON".split('_') = ["BLUE", "SOLOON"]
    # 2. Retrieves the 1st value of the splitted string
    	[BLUE, SOLOON][0] = "BLUE"
    # 3. Converts to lowercase the retrieved value
    	"BLUE".lower() = "blue": 
    # 4. Assigns the converted value ("blue") to the missing attribute (color)
    	color = "blue"

Personal improvements 🌟

Truth is, as much as I love learning and solving challenges, I also love giving some personal enhancements to the project's I develop. Which is why I took the freedom of making the following improvements.

Added .env.template file πŸ“„

Since I considered some needed variables to be private (my candidate ID and the metaverse api base URL), I preferred to store this information in environment variables at the .env file (which of course I added to the .gitignore).

Since the .env file is not present in this public repository, I created a new .env.template which serves as an example of what the .env should look like. Naturally, this new file needs to be renamed and edited filling the values of each variable. See the Setup Section for an easy setup.

Added Docstrings πŸ“š

If you have seen my GitHub, you should have noticed by now that I love making clean and documented code for others to see and understand. Following this practice has helped countless times, it daily helps me when mentoring other 42 students by making it much easier for everyone to understand a code that they didn't develop. But it has specially helped me when developing collaborative projects.

This project couldn't be less! So I decided to implement Docstrings (following Google's Style Guide) to all the functions and classes present in the src/ folder of this repository.

Generated docs/ using Sphinx πŸ’»

After doing some research regarding the usage of Docstrings for documenting code I found an amazing Python package: Sphinx

Sphinx is a documentation generator that easily generates documentation for your project!

It retrieves all of your Docstrings present in your source code and with a few configurations, it generates multiple .html files containing your project documentation.

You can see the generated documentation if you open in your browser the .html files present at docs/build/html.

Note: In order to be able to see the html files (in their proper format), make sure to clone this repository and open the downloaded files in your browser.

Utils functions πŸ“

During the development of the project I created a couple of helper functions made to "see" what was happening inside the program. After finishing the project I thought the best option was to move them to the utils/ folder, since they are not actively useful for the program to work but they are very useful for developing/debugging cases.

During the project I also created a test/ folder, making use of the pytest python package. Truth is, it is my first experience using this package and I just wanted to play around and learn about it, which is why I deleted such folder from this main branch of the repo. BUT! If you are very very curious about it, you can take a look to the test branch of this repo and see it!

Project's README πŸ“˜

Finally, I culminated the project by creating this READMEβ€”because a finished project seems too empty without it

I love making README's for a project's presentation which is why I do it in all most of my reposβ€”I'm getting there πŸ’«

Anyways, In this README, as you have seen, I added some important and basic information regarding this project. Since I was already working on this, I wanted to add what was going to be a "small" section regarding my Challenge Experience and Approach. I know, it definitely ended up being bigger than "small" but I am sure it served well its purpose.

Contact me πŸ“¬

I'm always happy to talk about experiences and share thoughts with anyone interested in coding, so feel free to contact me!


This repository contains my solution for a coding challenge as part of Crossmint's Internship program.






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