Another one of those "I'm bored, let's see what we can do" projects.
As a big fan of Doom Eternal, I wanted to see if I could read a couple of files here and there, just to see what's up. It appears there's already a couple of tools like that, but I wanted to do it for myself.
The goal is to document the file formats that are used in the game, and provide a way to read them.
I'm going for full compatibility. If it can read a file, I mean all files of that type. With (preferably) no exceptions.
Currently working:
- Can export to DDS (with all LODs) and PNG.model
- No export implemented yet.
I still have a lot of testing code lying around that I'm cleaning up and can dump in here pretty soon.
At this time, quite a lot. This is still a work in progress, but I wanted to get the code out there, so people can see what I'm doing, and maybe even help out.
Also, there's no UI right now. It's more of a library than a tool. The only way to make it do anything right now is to write some code.
Which reminds me that I should probably throw in a sample here, or at least a simple main method.
- SamPT (@brongo) - He did most of the leg work, and his work is the basis for this project.
- Doom Eternal Modding Discord - For being a great community.