Discord integration for Smash for Wii U. Uses a class from TCPGecko https://github.com/Chadderz121/tcp-gecko-dotnet.
Thanks to Chadderz for TCPGecko dot NET, DSX8 for converting textures, and offsets and info from Toad Stool.
Info on how it was made here: https://medium.com/@jam1garner/how-i-added-discord-integration-to-smash-4-53130a8d665e
- Start up TCPGecko on your Wii U (Google this if you don't know how)
- Run Smash
- Run SmashDiscordRichPresence.exe
- Input your Wii U's IP (this will pop up when you start up TCPGecko)
- Enjoy!
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/jam1garner