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Jake Thakur edited this page Aug 14, 2018 · 6 revisions

Item Stats Table

Javascript What it does Base value for player Balance comments
damage: "+x" Weapons only. Changes damage dealt from an attack. Can interact with some spells and abilities to decide how strong they are. 0
defence: "+x" Reduces damage taken. 1 defence = 0.1 less damage taken. 0
criticalChance: "+x%" Changes chance of dealing double damage with an attack. 1%
dodgeChance: "+x%" Changes chance of ignoring an enemy attack. 1% Don't give any individual item more than 10-15% without a suitable downside, otherwise a player could be able get near 100%!
flaming: x Weapons only. x = tier of flaming (displayed ingame as roman numerals). Makes your attacks flaming, meaning 1 damage is dealt every second for 3 seconds for tier 1 and is more powerful at higher tiers (exact stats tbc). On attack, this status is refreshed (cannot stack). Ignores defence. 0 Might interact with spells, abilities and passives in the future to become more powerful.
focusSpeed: "+x" Archers only. Increases the speed that the archer can focus their shots. 1 (takes 3 seconds to fully focus)
healthRegen: "+x/s" Changes rate of health regeneration (in health per second). Health is out of 50 at level 1, and increases by 5 per level. 0.5/s Shouldn't normally be above 5/s, as this removes a need for the player to eat.
looting: "+x%" Changes chance of recieving any item (e.g: junk item, unidentified item, gold, quest item) from a corpse - the chance of recieving the individual item is multiplied by this. This can lead to multiple of an item being looted. 100%
poison: "+x/ys" Weapons only. Deals bonus damage to the enemy (x) over a time period (y). This ability can stack. E.g: 4/2s deals 2 damage per second for 2 seconds. Ignores defence. 0/0
reflection: "+x%" Changes the amount of damage dealt back to enemies when you are attacked, as a percentage of the damage that they deal to you. Doesn't reflect status effects. 0%
stun: "+xs" Weapons only. Sets the amount of time that you stun an enemy for after you attack. When stunned, an enemy cannot move, attack, cast or channel. The enemy continues to regen. 0s
swimSpeed: "+x/s" Changes player's movement speed in water (and mud). Measured in pixels per second (one tile = 60 pixels). Often 1/3 of walkSpeed. 60/s
walkSpeed: "+x/s" Changes player's movement speed on land. Measured in pixels per second (one tile = 60 pixels). 180/s
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