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PeterGill800 edited this page Jan 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

A general template for a mail:

    "Title in mailbox",
    "NPC name displayed",
    "NPC name in camelCase (used for finding image)",
    "function to be called when opened (as a string)",
    [function parameters],
    [{item: to be given when mail is closed, quantity: optional}],

Text mail

Here is the template for a mail that shows

    "Title in mailbox",
    "NPC name displayed",
    "NPC name in camelCase (used for finding image)",
    ["Title when mail is opened",
    "Text", true, [], [],
    [{item: to be given when mail is closed, quantity: optional}]],
    [{item: to be given when mail is closed, quantity: optional}],

Quest mail

Here is the template for a mail that shows

    "Title in mailbox",
    "NPC name displayed",
    "NPC name in camelCase (used for finding image)",
    ["quest area in camelCase", id],
    [{item: to be given when mail is closed, quantity: optional}],
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