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Custom Serialization

jacob-carlborg edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 1 revision

This example shows how to do custom serialization of types the developer has control over.

module main;

import orange.serialization._;
import orange.serialization.archives._;

int i;

class Foo
    int a;
    int b;

    // This method will be called when the this class is serialized.
    // "serializer" will be the serializer performing the serialization process.
    // "key" will be the key used to serialize this object.
    void toData (Serializer serializer, Serializer.Data key)
        // increment "i" just to show this method is called on serialization

        // serialize the "a" field with the key "x"
        serializer.serialize(a, "x");

    void fromData (Serializer serializer, Serializer.Data key)
        // increment "i" just to show this method is called on deserialization

        // deserialize the field serialized with the key "x"
        // and set the "a" field to its value
        a = serializer.deserialize!(int)("x");

void main()
    auto archive = new XmlArchive!(char);
    auto serializer = new Serializer(archive);

    auto foo = new Foo;
    foo.a = 3;
    foo.b = 4;
    i = 3;

    assert(i == 4);

    auto f = serializer.deserialize!(Foo)(archive.untypedData);
    assert(i == 5);
    assert(foo.a == f.a);
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