React Design Editor has started to develope direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs, ant.design, fabricjs
Layouts and components such as property edits, item lists, toolbars were developed as react.js and the ant.design component was primarily used.
The project is constantly being developed to support a variety of functions, and its goal is to be able to draw workflow (BPMN) in the future.
- React.js
- ant.design
- fabric.js
- mediaelement.js
- react-ace
- interact.js
- anime.js
- fontawesome5
- webpack4
- babel
- npm install --save react-design-editor
- git clone https://github.com/salgum1114/react-design-editor.git - Clone the project
- npm start - Run script
- http://localhost:8080 - Host access
- Add
- Remove
- Resize
- Clone
- Tooltip
- Reorder
- Zoom
- Preview
- Copy & Paste
- Drag & Drop
- Upload (Drag & Drop)
- Alignments
- Drawing - Polygon, Link, Line, Arrow Line
- Export / Import - JSON
- Video Element
- HTML/CSS/JS Element
- iFrame Element
- Code Editor - HTML / CSS / JS / Preview
- Animation - Fade / Bounce / Shake / Scaling / Rotation / Flash
- Icon Chooser - fontawesome 5.2.0 free version
- Google Fonts - 20 fonts
- Align Guidlines - moving
- Interaction Mode - grap / selection / ctrl + drag grab
- Group / Ungroup
- Image Cropping
- Snap To Grid
- Multiple Layout - Fixed / Responsive / Fullscreen / Grid
- Context menu
- Save Image - Canvas, Target Object
- Image Filter
- Undo / Redo
- SVG Element - development (copy)
- Chart Element - development (form)
- GIF Element - development (form)
- Wireframes - development
- Multiple Map - development
- Ruler - development