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Examples Repository and Example Wizard

Thomas Kutz edited this page Jul 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

The Example Wizard, which is part of YAKINDU Statechart Tools since release 2.7, gives you convenient access to the examples in this online repository. You can browse the available examples by name or by category and read their documentation in the wizard. By a simple click you can instantiate an example as a new Eclipse project. Within an example project, you can then explore and modify the state machine models using the statechart editor, run the models in the simulator, generate source code, etc.

Upon its first invocation, the example wizard downloads the online examples repository and creates a copy on your local disk. After that, all examples are immediately available to you, even if you are offline. The example wizard will notice when new examples are available in the online repository and offers to download them. It is also possible to download the examples repository out-of-band and later tell the example wizard where it can find the local copy.

The subsequent sections explain in detail how you can create and submit your own example. Please also note our conventions.

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