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Releases: itdelatrisu/opsu


03 Jun 19:47
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  • User system improvements. (0599e2c)
    • Right-click on any user to open the "Edit User" menu. Users can now be deleted and icons can be changed.
    • Replaced the 3 existing icons with 15 new ones.
  • Updated the beatmap download servers.

Other changes:

  • Added an "Unlimited" frame limiter option. (#324, 6449b73)
  • Added an option to disable sound effects during gameplay. (019f577)
  • Show beatmap's "source" on the song selection menu. (#331)
  • Added a button to copy debug info to the clipboard. (#375)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed more audio-related issues. (#371)
  • Fixed executable permissions on ffmpeg. (#361, cd1cdf8)
  • Fixed ffmpeg framerate parsing for 'k' suffix (#362, 0b36328).
  • Fixed a null pointer when adjusting sliders in the options overlay. (483c035)
  • Fixed whitespace handling in skin parsing. (#365)


02 Jul 18:20
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  • "Experimental" slider styles now available in the options overlay (Knorke sliders, merging sliders, shrinking sliders). (#263)
  • Vertical navigation menu for the options overlay. (#298)
  • Input overlay keys during replays. (#307)
  • Updated the beatmap download servers.
    • Bloodcat uses captchas now, so download beatmaps in a web browser. (ab39b3e)
    • Updated the MengSky download API. (06370bd)
    • Removed dead download servers (YaS Online, Hexide). (8fe59a9)

Other changes:

  • Beatmap star difficulty values now match osu!. (5a87d26)
  • Show instructions to resume the game when paused. (f685be1)
  • The options overlay is now accessible in the main menu by pressing Ctrl+O. (f4fa217)
  • No more socket binding; prevent multiple instances using database locks instead. (9074d43)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed various crashes. (#254, 12f56e7, c6b6f21, #261, 212a395)
  • Fixed video distortion issues. (58c4d60)
  • Fixed more audio issues in Linux/OpenJDK. (#252)
  • Fixed new skins not showing up when initially imported. (8dd92de)
  • Fixed applause/failure sounds not stopping when changing game states. (#299)


05 Feb 00:13
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  • Local users system. (0fd7c35, bcb53c5, fd99c62)
    • Change or add users by clicking on the profile in the main menu or song menu.
    • All previous scores without players are now assigned to "Guest".
    • Add custom user icons in skins by naming the icons "user0.png", "user1.png", "user2.png", etc.
  • Music video playback, using FFmpeg and YUNPM. (e6c90ad)
    • Requires beatmaps to be re-parsed (press F5 in the song menu).
    • Optionally, link your own FFmpeg shared library by setting the "FFmpegPath" property in the config file.
  • Updated and reorganized options menu, with added search functionality. (#240)
  • Performance graphs and stats. (510944f, 3b746ec)
  • 2B maps are now playable. (0ae010e)
  • Mixed font support, now using Exo 2 as the main font. (6555797, ac19406)
  • Song menu navigation now resembles osu!. (e0ee1b2)
  • New back button. (#244)
  • Custom fixed speed option. (b22b1fb)

Other changes:

  • Crossfade between beatmap backgrounds in the song menu. (07ed975)
  • Hide some loading progress displays if loading is short. (6733420, a835c54)
  • Smarter and less frequent garbage collection, reducing the number of lagspikes. (baf35e3)
  • Added more music player shortcuts to the main menu. (7c6e9fa)
  • Don't show the in-game scoreboard initially if there are no scores. (29066c4)
  • Re-added the Hexide download server. (697673c)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed reloading beatmaps discarding saved data (e.g. play count, favorite status, etc.). (25356ce)
  • Fixed sound effect loading on some Linux systems. (#238, 039dd66)
  • Fixed wrong max combo count due to overlapping objects. (0ae010e)
  • Fixed skin parser treating versions as integers instead of floats. (f396bd9)
  • Fixed pitch/speed not being reset when moving to the game ranking screen. (29066c4)
  • Fixed some issues in the right-click navigation function in the song menu. (0a22d60)
  • Fixed wrong status messages in the song menu search function. (730a3ec)
  • Fixed global actions (hotkeys, volume changing) not working with the options overlay shown. (01040fc)
  • Fixed really bad things happening when OpenAL fails to load. (fca4fd4)
  • Fixed error handler crashing on a null pointer when receiving a null pointer exception. 😆 (db376af)
  • Fixed music fade-out errors causing crashes at the end of songs in Slick2D. (738f4dc)
  • Fixed unknown keys being treated as KEY_EQUALS in Slick2D. (084ec5b)
  • Fixed some FPS counter wrong values in Slick2D. (8aeb4ed)


09 Jan 07:40
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  • osu! HP algorithm. (e62822a)
  • Skin unpacker. (e9889b7)
  • Game ranking screen overhaul (positioning, animations, images). (64504f2, e49ca3c)
  • Slider follow circle animations. (99c698b)
  • Main menu UI tweaks (music info bar, moved things around). (d250d26)
  • New "About" menu when clicking on the GitHub logo in the main menu. (1d0f0b8)
  • Additional skin.ini options supported: SliderBallFlip, CursorCentre, AnimationFramerate, AllowSliderBallTint. (0f40ff4, f111730)
  • Skin v1 changes: slider tick results, "spinner-osu" result, white warning arrows. (7a1f527, 3d01e43)
  • Added bubble notifications. (21aa72b)
  • Added parallax effect. (b61eaf1)

Other changes:

  • Reduce FPS when window loses focus. (a7e0c8d)
  • Support Unicode input in text fields. (a0fcae8)
  • Right-click/drag in the song menu now scrolls to the mouse position. (41a27fe)
  • Removed old cursor style option. (0f40ff4)
  • Removed "playfield" image; use "menu-background" instead. (c250fce)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues with slider ticks and repeats being over- or under-counted. (ceb4e5d)
  • Fixed an issue where multi-image default images were being loaded with higher priority than single-image skin images. (cf53c3d)
  • Fixed a hardcoded approach time in the stacking algorithm. (9b5f26d)
  • Fixed "Ignore All Beatmap Skins" option not ignoring combo colors. (9b627e0)


27 Dec 05:07
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This release contains a large number of new features, UI updates, and stability improvements from the past year.


  • Smoother, more efficient slider rendering. (#205, #216)
  • Slider behavior now more closely resembles osu!. (#210, #211)
  • Beatmap groups (favorites, last played), and more sorting options (date added, most played). (ed06a8b)
  • Local beatmap offsets (press +/- when playing a map). (e023780)
  • In-game scoreboard (press TAB to hide). (#155)
  • New options menu overlay. (6373b36)
  • Pulsing logos. (#214)
  • Falling game objects and pitch drop when failing a map. (#148, #150)
  • Reverse arrows drawn in black on lightly-colored sliders. (#152)
  • New theme song and main menu background. (1436f23, b5b954f)
  • Star fountains in the main menu. (5704b8a, 9f2aa7c)
  • Enabled fullscreen mode (in "Display" options). (a733462)

Other changes:

  • Various bug fixes and better overall error handling.
  • Detect osu! installation location using registry keys. (06c423a)
  • Root directory is always the same directory as the JAR, regardless of where it's launched. (81c8a61)
  • Beatmap parser optimizations. (69a7c7b)
  • Self-updating beatmap cache database. (ed06a8b)

Thanks to @mad-s and @yugecin for their major contributions to this release.


02 Oct 03:08
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0.12.1 Pre-release

This is a hotfix release to conform to the new Bloodcat API.


22 Sep 06:41
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0.12.0 Pre-release

This version brings some major UI enhancements.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the "Easy" mod being completely broken. (e767800)
  • Better handling for parallel vectors in CircumscribedCircle sliders. (c516d93)
  • Fixed the game-wide lag when loading new beatmap background images in the song menu. (3214916)
  • Fixed some remaining beatmap parser issues, e.g. "addition" field parsing. (6c956e9)
  • Fixed a leftover issue with the XDG flag since the previous release. (8cb796b)


01 Sep 21:13
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0.11.0 Pre-release

This version contains a large number of bug fixes, some new features, and UI improvements.
There were also important internal changes that are outlined below.


  • Added an animation library for all-around better animations. (c91146b)
  • Implemented the "Hidden" mod, which marks the completion of the core game mods. (#115, 34c7942)
  • Added YaS Online, Mnetwork, and MengSky download servers; removed the now-offline osu!Mirror server. (dbb5eeb, 8173b9b, bd8e35c)
  • Improved the appearance of the updater UI. (f22498a)
  • Lowered GLSL version requirement for the new slider style from 330 to 110. (#122, #124)
  • Added a watch service to monitor the beatmap directory tree for changes (disabled by default). (949b2c2)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed wrong rank icons and wrong "Hard Rock" coordinates during replays. (#116, #118)
  • Fixed scores almost always failing to be deleted. (e68bcf8)
  • Fixed HP not being drained while holding sliders. (#103)
  • Now using official formulas for circle diameter and timing offsets. (8892973)
  • With "Show Perfect Hits" disabled, hit animations are now shown instead of objects disappearing immediately. (6e7de65)
  • Fixed game ranking screen issues: "retry" button only appears when necessary, and watching a "replay" with "Auto" is no longer treated as a replay. (130f9bf)
  • Fixed old-style skinned cursors being ignored, and the cursor-middle image is no longer scaled when clicking. (5efb61d, 40ab947)
  • Fixed crashes when trying to load audio files that were moved, and when unable to connect to the beatmap database. (ae5016f, #111)
  • Fixed some broken logic when handling misnamed MP3/OGG files. (20d40dd)
  • Fixed interrupted downloads still being marked "complete". (aed5163)
  • Fixed two incorrect shortcut keys in the game mod menu. (96f882b)

Internal updates:

  • Added Gradle build system; see the readme for details. (#126)
  • Removed JarSplice from the build cycle, and incorporated a native loader into opsu!.
  • Removed the jinput dependency.
  • Documented all files/directories created by opsu! in the readme.


19 Jul 04:57
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0.10.1 Pre-release

This is primarily a bug fix release.

  • Fixed a major rendering issue when using the "Flashlight" mod with the new slider style. (#108)
  • Updated Maven dependencies to their latest versions (LWJGL 2, Slick2D, Commons Compress, lzma-java, maven-artifact).


05 Jul 05:04
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0.10.0 Pre-release

This version brings some major additions to opsu!:

  • New slider rendering implementation (mmsliders) using FBOs. (#64)
    • This is now the default rendering method, but the old method is used as a fallback.
  • New skin loader implementation. (40e4495)
    • Skins are now loaded from subdirectories of the root "Skins" directory, and can be changed in-game.
    • Added a skin.ini parser, and implemented many (but not all) of the skin settings.
  • New replay features. (#99)
    • Replays from osu! (or opsu!) can be automatically imported into the game by placing them in the ReplayImport directory.
    • Seeking is now possible in replays by enabling the "Replay Seeking" setting in the options menu.
  • Score formula improvements. (#99)
    • Scoring is now slightly closer to osu!'s implementation, but is still not entirely correct.