Physical representation of vector forces Vectors is a graphical software for representation Vectors is a graphical software for representation of vector forces, has a graphic that acts as a blackboard for the physical representation of vector forces, meant to make graphical representations of problems of physics and create images to make examples and lessons in physics. Complementary written in python it uses the pyqt5 module for graphical interfaces and the matplotlib library for the graphic board while the main window and the dialog window have been drawn with the qt-designer (present in the "Ui Files" folder) and converted into python code with pyuic5 (present in source / Dialogs). It is currently available for windows and linux (any distribution), for windows the source code is generated in exe with the pyinstaller module, which creates an executable file in exe along with any dependencies required to make it work, while the setup was created with Inno Setup . For linux instead it works using a virtual environment, created with python-venv, which allows you to have no problems platform with regard to certain library versions then the python code and the virtual environment are copied to the / usr / share folder while in / usr / bin a link is created to the bash script (present in the bin catella) which runs the program using the virtual environment as well as passing the right parameters, Also included is the creation of a new mimetype.
If you are on windows, you can safely run the installation setup program, while instead you are on linux open the terminal and go to the repository folder, so at this point if you want to recreate the virtual environment, type:
make clean
while to simply install the application, type:
sudo make install
and if you want to uninstall it:
sudo make uninstall