A color palette designed to be easy on the eyes, as well as easy to parse!\ Heavy inspiration is taken from One Dark, Nord, and the Github Dark (Dimmed) themes.
const boson = {
0: "#23272e",
1: "#2c313a",
2: "#363c47",
3: "#586274"
const quark = {
4: "#ede7dd",
5: "#f2ece1",
6: "#faf4e9"
const spin = {
7: "#e3837a",
8: "#eec76d",
9: "#98Cc79",
10: "#62b5f8"
const fractal = {
12: "#de9059",
11: "#efbf8f",
13: "#8fbcb1",
14: "#a4dbf4",
15: "#af8de2"
const anisochromatic = {
isomorph0: boson["0"],
isomorph1: boson["1"],
isomorph2: boson["2"],
isomorph3: boson["3"],
isomorph4: quark["4"],
isomorph5: quark["5"],
isomorph6: quark["6"],
isomorph7: spin["7"],
isomorph8: spin["8"],
isomorph9: spin["9"],
isomorph10: spin["10"],
isomorph11: fractal["11"],
isomorph12: fractal["12"],
isomorph13: fractal["13"],
isomorph14: fractal["14"],
isomorph15: fractal["15"],