Write a JavaScript package that is able to:
- Fetch an array of URLs which contain JSON data
- Return their contents in a promise
When writing this package, you should consider:
- Error states
- Testing
- Documentation
- Choice of dependencies
Javascript package, which allows to take multiple urls and returns content in promise
Languages/Dependencies used
- Node
- ES6/ES5
- Babel
- Jest
- Axios
- ramda
I also written the main class in ES6, however wanted the module to be compatible with npm so I can publish this to npm. I had issues with transpiling with import/export syntax from ES6 so reverted this back to ES5.
npm install ishouty_httprequest_andy
You can also download this from github
git clone https://github.com/ishouty/ishouty_httprequest.git
import ishouty_httpRequest from 'ishouty_httpRequest'
const urls = [
const callRequests = async (urlsParams) => {
return await request.requestUrls(urlsParams)
Tests are written in ES6 and transpiled via babel.
npm run test
npm run test:watch
- Pass configuration object to include default features for requests such as baseUrl
- Update more test coverage