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LAB | Profile App

The profile page is one of the most common features you will need to add to your projects. Today we are going to practice creating one.


We will create a backend REST API using NodeJS and a front-end app using React where users can sign up, log in, upload a profile picture, check their profile, and edit it.


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone this repo
cd lab-profile-app-vite


  • Upon completion, run the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "done"
    git push origin master
  • Create Pull Request so your TAs can check up your work.


Iteration 1 | The REST API

You will start by creating the backend REST API. Create a new server app using the Ironlauncher with the command npx ironlauncher profile-app-server --json.

Once done, create the user model in the user.model.js file with the following fields:

  • username: String,
  • password: String
  • campus: String. Possible values: "Madrid", "Barcelona", "Miami", "Paris", "Berlin", "Amsterdam", "México", "Sao Paulo", "Lisbon", "Remote".
  • course: String. Possible values: "Web Dev", "UX/UI", "Data Analytics","Cyber Security".
  • image: String.

The server should have the following routes:

Method Endpoint Request Return Value
POST /auth/signup { username, password, campus, course } User object
POST /auth/login { username, password } Authentication Token
GET /auth/verify Current user object
PUT /api/users { image } Updated user object
GET /api/users Current user object
POST /api/upload form-data with the image file Image URL

:::info Remember to test the REST API using Postman to make sure everything is working! 😉 :::

Iteration 2 | The React App

Create a new React App using the command:

npm create vite@latest profile-app-client -- --template react

Once done, set up the app routing using the react-router-dom. Create a page component called HomePage that displays two buttons: Sign up and Log in. Buttons should redirect to the front-end routes /signup and /login, respectively.


All the assets you need for the design are stored inside the images/ folder. You should copy them to the assets/ folder of your React app. But don't worry about the design yet - just focus on making things work first!

Iteration 3 | Sign Up/Login Components

You should create the Sign Up and Login page components, where the user can fill the form with the specified fields.

If the sign-up is successful, you should navigate the user to the Login Page page. If the login is successful, you should navigate the user to the Home Page page.



Iteration 4 | Implement the authentication logic

You should create a new folder named context/ and inside of it a file auth.context.js. Inside of the file you should create a new Context object and the AuthProviderWrapper component.

  1. To create a Context object use the method React.createContext() (example).

  2. The AuthProviderWrapper component should have the following state variables for storing user information and authentication state: isLoggedIn, isLoading, and user (example).

  3. The AuthProviderWrapper component should also have functions storeToken, authenticateUser, removeToken and logOutUser used for handling the authentication logic (example).

    You will need to provide the above mentioned state values and functions through the Context Provider's value prop (example).

  4. Finally, remember to wrap the <App /> component with the <AuthProviderWrapper></AuthProviderWrapper> (example).

  5. Use the React hook useContext() in the LoginPage.js to access the values coming from the AuthProviderWrapper and to finish implementing the log-in process (example 1, example 2).

Iteration 5 | Upload the Photo

On the profile route, the user should be able to upload a photo to the profile. In this iteration, you should create all that is necessary to upload a new profile picture and store it in the database.


Iteration 6 | Auth Service

Create an auth.service.js file, where you will have the functions that abstract the axios requests to your REST API. Create the following methods:

  • signUp that makes a POST request to the server endpoint /auth/signup passing username, password, campus and course info,
  • logIn that makes a POST request to the server endpoint /auth/login passing username and password,
  • verifyToken that makes a GET request to the server endpoint /auth/verify to check if a user is logged in.
  • uploadPhoto that makes a POST request to the server endpoint /api/upload and sends the file,
  • getCurrentUser that makes a GET request to the server endpoint /api/user to retrieve the current user data,
  • editUser that makes a PUT request to the server endpoint /api/user passing username, campus, course and image.

Iteration 7 (Bonus) | Styling your App

Feel free to style the app anyway you see fit. 🎨 Or you can use the .png available in the images/ folder, as a background image. Remember to include the image in the src/assets/ folder of your React app to be able to import it. Here are the colors used in the design:

  • Gradient background color: #C1DFC4 to #DEECDD
  • Green: #638165
  • Red: #D0021B

Happy coding! ❤️


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