An open source platform for IoT data-streaming and metadata management, that reduces the complexity of modern data problems.
An exemplary dataflow as they occur across teams.
This repository comprises the following parts:
Digital Twin Messaging Layer which unifies Apache Kafka with SensorThings and can be found in the
directory. -
Digital Twin Client to easily access the Messaging Layer with only an hand full lines of code, which is in the
directory. The usage of the Digital Twin Client is thereby as simple as that:from client.digital_twin_client import DigitalTwinClient config = {"client_name": "car_1", "system": "at.srfg.iot-iot4cps-wp5.CarFleet", "gost_servers": "localhost:8084", "kafka_bootstrap_servers": "localhost:9092"} client = DigitalTwinClient(**config) client.register(instance_file="instances.json") client.produce(quantity="demo_temperature", result=23.4) client.subscribe(subscription_file="subscriptions.json") received_quantities = client.consume(timeout=1.0)
Demo Applications to get started as fast as possible and change them to your own demands. In the demo-scenario there are 3 companies that interchange data via the Digital Twin Platform
- The CarFleet is a prosumer (producer and consumer) of data.
- The Weather Service Provider produces weather-related data.
- The Analytics provider wants to enhance the road quality by analyzing all of the data.
there is a DataStack that comes with the Elastic Stack, Grafana and a data science environment with a Jupyter notebook UI and a connection to the Elasticsearch datasource.
Platform User Interface that deals with the registration of users, companies, systems and client applications. It is also possible to deploy so-called stream-applications here, that allows to share data between existing systems:
- Setup Messaging Layer
- Start Demo Applications
- Track what happens behind the scenes
- Deployment
- Platform UI
- Install Docker version 1.10.0+
- Install Docker Compose version 1.6.0+
- Clone this Repository
This is an instruction on how to set up a demo scenario on your own hardware. Here, we use Ubuntu 18.04, for other OS there might have to be made adaptions.
The easiest way to set up a cluster for Apache Kafka is via Docker and docker-compose. Deploy each three instances of Kafka and its underlying Zookeeper on the same node via:
cd setup/kafka docker-compose up -d
The flag -d stands for daemon mode. The containers can be investigated (stopped) via docker-compose logs (down). Three instances of Kafka are then available, each on the ports 9092, 9093 and 9094. Therefore, a replication factor of up to three is possible using this setup.
In case one doesn’t want to install Kafka via Docker (as it is suggested for production),
the installation can also be done directly. The Datastack uses Kafka version 2.3.1 as the
communication layer, the installation is done in /kafka
sudo apt-get update
sh setup/kafka/
sh setup/kakfa/
# optional:
export PATH=/kafka/bin:$PATH
sudo chown -R /tmp/kafka-logs/
sudo chown -R /tmp/zookeeper/
Then, start Zookeeper and Kafka and test the installation: (If the setup was done using Docker one can skip the Start-step)
# Start Zookeeper and Kafka Server
/kafka/bin/ -daemon kafka/config/
/kafka/bin/ -daemon kafka/config/
# Test the installation
/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list
/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --create --topic test-topic --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1
/kafka/bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test-topic
>Hello Kafka
> [Ctrl]+C
/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test-topic --from-beginning
Hello Kafka
If that works as described, you can create the default topics for the platform using:
bash setup/kafka/
/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list
If multiple topics were generated, everything worked well.
docker-compose -f setup/gost/docker-compose.yml up -d
The flag -d
stands for daemon
mode. To check if everything worked well, open
http://localhost:8082/ or view the logs:
docker-compose -f setup/gost/docker-compose.yml logs -f
Before starting the platform, make sure postgreSQL is installed and the configuration
selected in server/.env
points to an appropriate config in server/config
For instructions on how to install postgres, various tutorials can be found in the Internet.
sudo apt install libpq-dev
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE ROLE iot4cps LOGIN PASSWORD 'iot4cps';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE iot4cps OWNER iot4cps;
Make sure to start a new virtual env for this setup! Then, install the python modules via:
pip3 install -r setup/requirements.txt
Now, open new terminals to run the demo applications:
python3 demo_applications/CarFleet/Car1/
> INFO:PR Client Logger:init: Initialising Digital Twin Client with name 'demo_car_1' on 'at.srfg.iot-iot4cps-wp5.CarFleet'
> The air temperature at the demo car 1 is 2.9816131778905497 °C at 2019-03-18T13:54:59.482215+00:00
python3 demo_applications/CarFleet/Car2/
> INFO:PR Client Logger:init: Initialising Digital Twin Client with name 'demo_car_2' on 'at.srfg.iot-iot4cps-wp5.CarFleet'
> The air temperature at the demo car 2 is 2.623506013964546 °C at 2019-03-18T12:21:27.177267+00:00
> -> Received new external data-point of 2019-03-18T13:54:59.482215+00:00: 'at.srfg.iot-iot4cps-wp5.CarFleet.car_1.Air Temperature' = 2.9816131778905497 degC.
python3 demo_applications/WeatherService/demo_station_1/
python3 demo_applications/WeatherService/demo_station_2/
python3 demo_applications/WeatherService/forecast_service/
Here, you should see that temperature data is produced by the demo stations and consumed only by the central service.
The Analytics Provider consumes all data from the stack and pipes it into a Elastic Grafana and Jupyter Datastack.
First, some configs have to be set in order to make the datastore work properly:
ulimit -n 65536 # Increase the max file descriptor
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 # Increase the virtual memory
sudo service docker restart # Restart docker to make the changes work
For further information, click on this link.
Now it can be started:
sh demo_applications/InfraProvider/
# Wait until Kibana is reachable on localhost:5601
python3 demo_applications/InfraProvider/
Available Services:
- localhost:9200 Elasticsearch status
- localhost:9600 Logstash status
- localhost:5000 Logstash TCP data input
- localhost:5601 Kibana Data Visualisation UI
- localhost:3000 Grafana Data Visualisation UI
- localhost:8888 Jupyterlab DataScience Notebooks
As no StreamHub application runs for now, no data is consumed by the datastack-adapter
that ingests it into the DataStack.
Therefore, it is important to start the StreamHub applications as noted in the next section.
As there are two different types of stream apps that are based on different technologies, we have to distinguish:
Single-Source streaming applications are implemented in Java using the Kafka Streams library. A pre- built jar file to share data from a specific tenant to others can be started with:
java -jar server/StreamHub/target/streamApp-1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar --stream-name mystream --source-system is.iceland.iot4cps-wp5-WeatherService.Stations is.iceland.iot4cps-wp5-WeatherService.Services --filter-logic “SELECT * FROM * WHERE result < 4;” --bootstrap-server
If you want to change the streamhub application itself, modify and rebuild the java project in
It is recommended, to start and stop the stream-applications via the Platform UI, that provides
the same functionality as the command line interface.
Multi-Source streaming applications are implemented in Python, plain Apache Kafka and is based on the Time-Series join that is implemented using the LocalStreamBuffer algorithm. The stream app can be started using:
python3 server/TimeSeriesJoiner/
This script uses the customization set in server/TimeSeriesJoiner/customization/
which contains all required constants and two functions ingest_fct and on_join that suffice
to customize the stream app’s behaviour.
For more information read the README file in the server/TimeSeriesJoiner/
sub-project or
view the customization-file
Check the created kafka topics:
/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --list
Note that kafka-topics must be created manually as explained in the Setup.
To track the traffic in real time, use the kafka-consumer-console
/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic
> {"phenomenonTime": "2018-12-04T14:18:11.376306+00:00", "resultTime": "2018-12-04T14:18:11.376503+00:00", "result": 50.05934369894213, "Datastream": {"": 2}}
You can use the flag --from-beginning
to see the whole recordings of the persistence time which are
two weeks by default.
After the tests, stop the services with:
docker-compose -f setup/gost/docker-compose.yml down
If you want to remove the SensorThings instances from the GOST server, run docker-compose down -v
To deploy the Digital Twin Platform on a cluster, see the setup/ notes.
The user interface is the recommended way to create system topics which happens when registering a new client, and to deploy and stop stream-applications, that forwards selected data from one system to another.
Before starting the platform, make sure postgresql is installed and the configuration selected in server/.env
points to a appropriate config in server/config
. For instructions on how to install postgres, this
site may help.
cd server
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The platform is then, if the default developer-config is selected, available on localhost:1908
There are demo-accounts available for:
The password of each user is asdf
No authorization in Kafka
Security risk for multi-source stream-apps
Secure data streaming via Kafka SSL, TLS. It should be possible, that only a client with the correct secrets/keys can publish and consume data.
Registration of Assets (including metadata), sensors, datastreams, … Based on the GOST server at the moment (maybe later i-Asset registry or KSQL) It should be possible to register all instances on the platform with a GOST backend. (that is already done within the gost dashboard..)
Update client applications for SSL and TLS. Make the setup work for existing Kafka Topics and ACL.
Add ACL (access list) management Update the ACL when a system is created and removed.
Make client-side communication exactly-once (requires broker replicas) and the producers even idempotent.
Abstract the custom_fct of the multi-source stream apps to a SQL-like filter logic with minimal permissions and unify it with that from the singe-source stream app. (see QCL)
Close the multi-source stream-app security leak. Any stream can be subscribed in it, this needs an update of the platform data-model with added viewers or a stream-app grant policy.
Use the pr_client in the multi-source stream-app or extract the name id. This is only needed if the message key is not the name.
Use the unique datastream namespace as message key. Replace Sensorthings by an alternative or by i-Asset's registry.
Handle logging, publish states of clients and enable to subscribe to logs.
Add Client-Adapter-Hub for bidirectional MQTT-Platform communication either in Docker container within the platform, or as installation on the user side.
Consideration of Kafka Registry usage in the platform to describe the payload semantic.
If you have feedback and ideas, please let me know.
Have fun exploring this project!