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Awaiting Reply
Awaiting Reply
This PR or Issue needs a reply from the original reporter.
Bug: Validated
Bug: Validated
This PR or Issue is verified to be a bug within Stencil
Pull requests that update a dependency file
this issue relates to a browser whose support is deprecated
Do Not Merge
Do Not Merge
Contributors: Please do not merge this PR
Feature: Want this? Upvote it!
Feature: Want this? Upvote it!
This PR or Issue may be a great consideration for a future idea.
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Good First Issue
Good First Issue
This is a good first issue for someone wantng to contribute to Stencil!
Has Workaround
Has Workaround
This PR or Issue has a work around detailed within it.
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
holiday triage
holiday triage
The Stencil team may not respond for an extended period of time
ionitron: cli
ionitron: cli
This PR or Issue should be moved the Ionic CLI repo
ionitron: ionic
ionitron: ionic
This PR or Issue should be moved the Ionic Framework repo
ionitron: missing template
ionitron: missing template
This PR or Issue does not have its template filled out
ionitron: needs reproduction
ionitron: needs reproduction
This PR or Issue does not have a reproduction case URL
ionitron: stale issue
ionitron: stale issue
This issue has not seen any activity for a long period of time
ionitron: support
ionitron: support
This is a support question
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Request For Comments
Request For Comments
Seeking commentary on an issue or PR from the community
Resolution: Needs Investigation
Resolution: Needs Investigation
This PR or Issue should be investigated from the Stencil team
Resolution: Refine
Resolution: Refine
This PR is marked for Jira refinement. We're not working on it - we're talking it through.
Stencil v5
Stencil v5
This is slated for Stencil v5 (Release date TBD)
WDIO Migration
WDIO Migration