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Releases: intitni/CopilotForXcode


08 Jul 16:01
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  • Support Codeium indexing #544

  • Support a proof-of-concept version of GitHub Copilot chat #550. Please note that this feature is still in an early stage of development and may change in the future. To use it, you have to turn on "Pretend IDE to be VSCode" in the GitHub Copilot settings and change the chat model to "GitHub Copilot (poc)".

    This implementation uses the language server to access the GitHub Copilot chat, so it should be much more legal than copilot-gpt4-service. The only(?) not-so-legal thing is that we need to use VSCode as the IDE name. Custom system prompt and temperature will not work for GitHub Copilot chat. Scopes will work. The built-in RAG of GitHub Copilot chat may not work properly.

  • Bump Copilot.vim to 1.37.0 and fixes #530

  • Add a "Utility chat model" picker in the chat settings. This model will be used when it need to use LLM as a tool.

  • Prevent repeated parsing of markdown content in chat panel on scroll.

  • Move appcast.xml to

0.33.5 beta

30 Jun 17:23
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0.33.5 beta Pre-release


Beta 2

  • Fix that the app will crash when GitHub Copilot was asked to generate non-stream response. But since we can't change the system prompt, we can't use it to do anything other than chat. I have added a "Utility chat model" picker in the chat settings. If you need to use scopes that require LLMs to perform certain tasks (for example the project scope), you'd better set it up. Fixes #552

Beta 1

  • Support Codeium indexing #544

  • Support a proof-of-concept version of GitHub Copilot chat #550. Please note that this feature is still in an early stage of development and may change in the future. To use it, you have to turn on "Pretend IDE to be VSCode" in the GitHub Copilot settings and change the chat model to "GitHub Copilot (poc)".

    This implementation uses the language server to access the GitHub Copilot chat, so it should be much more legal than copilot-gpt4-service. The only(?) not-so-legal thing is that we need to use VSCode as the IDE name. Custom system prompt and temperature will not work for GitHub Copilot chat. Scopes will work. The built-in RAG of GitHub Copilot chat may not work properly.

  • Bump Copilot.vim to 1.37.0 and fixes #530

  • Prevent repeated parsing of markdown content in chat panel on scroll.

  • Move appcast.xml to


18 Jun 07:06
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  • Fix that the suggestion panel doesn't update when switching to the next suggestion.

Updates in 0.33.3

  • Fix that the widget will not display in fullscreen mode in macOS 15.
  • Fix completion panel detection in Xcode 16.
  • Fix #468
  • Add beta Codeium chat tab thanks to the Codeium team. It utilizes the web view from the language server. If you have trouble using this chat tab, please consider reaching out for support in their discord channel.
  • Support installing Codeium language server from the enterprise portal.
  • Support setting modifier keys to "tab to accept suggestion" so hopefully you can use it and the built-in predictive code completion at the same time. I am unluckily region-locked from the feature so please let me know if they still interfere with each other.
  • Fix that you could only scroll up in the first chat tab.
  • If the chat panel is not in the active space, you can now bring it to the center of the screen by clicking open chat from the menu and with the toggle widgets hotkey.
  • Fix that the extension service could not be restarted automatically.


17 Jun 16:19
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  • Fix that the widget will not display in fullscreen mode in macOS 15.
  • Fix completion panel detection in Xcode 16.
  • Fix #468
  • Add beta Codeium chat tab thanks to the Codeium team. It utilizes the web view from the language server. If you have trouble using this chat tab, please consider reaching out for support in their discord channel.
  • Support installing Codeium language server from the enterprise portal.
  • Support setting modifier keys to "tab to accept suggestion" so hopefully you can use it and the built-in predictive code completion at the same time. I am unluckily region-locked from the feature so please let me know if they still interfere with each other.
  • Fix that you could only scroll up in the first chat tab.
  • If the chat panel is not in the active space, you can now bring it to the center of the screen by clicking open chat from the menu and with the toggle widgets hotkey.
  • Fix that the extension service could not be restarted automatically.


30 May 17:08
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  • Fix the life cycle of the language server processes.
  • Clean up resources before relaunching after an update.


If you are updating from 0.33.0 or below, this version does not support the old versions of the GitHub Copilot language server.

Though the language server will be upgraded automatically on launch, if you find that it's not working, please make sure to update the language server in the app and restart the service app. Some breaking changes are introduced, please let me know if it's still working correctly for you.


I suspect that some of the bugs that happen after an update are caused by the incorrect update process. The best way to fix it is to combine the host and service app into one single app. They are split into 2 apps for a historical reason that no longer matters. Combining them can be tricky so I am saving it for future builds.


27 May 08:52
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  • Bump GitHub Copilot language server to 1.32.0.


This version does not support the old versions of the language server.

Though the language server will be upgraded automatically on launch, if you find that it's not working, please make sure to update the language server in the app and restart the service app. Some breaking changes are introduced, please let me know if it's still working correctly for you.

  • Bump Codeium language server to 1.8.8.
  • Support loading the GitHub Copilot language server with certificates from the keychain.
  • Support switching open chat mode. If you prefer to use the web ChatGPT or something else, you can choose to open it in the browser or the in-app browser tab when the open chat command is hit.
  • Support dimming typed text in a suggestion.
  • Support enforcing message order to user/assistant alternated for OpenAI compatible models.
  • Update TCA.
  • Refactor GitHub Copilot and Codeium support for future updates.

0.33.1 beta

22 May 21:13
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Beta 2

  • Support dimming typed text in a suggestion.
  • Support enforcing message order to user/assistant alternated for OpenAI compatible models.

Beta 1

  • Bump GitHub Copilot language server to 1.32.0. This version does not support the old versions of the language server, please make sure to update the language server in app and restart the service app. Some breaking changes are introduced, please let me know if it's still working correctly for you.
  • Bump Codeium language server to 1.8.8.
  • Support loading GitHub Copilot language server with certificates from the keychain.
  • Support switching open chat mode. If you prefer to use the web chat gpt or something else, you can choose to open it in the browser or the in-app browser tab when open chat command is hit.
  • Update TCA.
  • Refactor GitHub Copilot and Codeium support for future updates.

If you have found any bug in this version, please report to the release discussion.


14 May 19:31
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  • The service app will now be launched in a different way to work around a performance issue caused by a macOS bug. The app should feel smoother than before. If it stops working for you, please submit an issue.

  • Support type-in-the-middle hack in the suggestion feature.

    Suggestion services may fail to generate suggestions when the text cursor is in the middle of a line. This feature will try to trick them into generating suggestions in this case.

    If you don't like the behavior, you can turn it off in "features > suggestion > cheatsheet"

  • Change the behavior of a detached chat panel.

    The new default behavior is that it will not stay on top unless it overlaps an Xcode window, and Xcode is active. You can change the behavior in the chat feature settings.

  • Support turning off code wrapping in prompt to code.

  • Add new OpenAI models.

In the next few versions, we will focus on the chat feature.

0.33.0 beta

04 May 14:48
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0.33.0 beta Pre-release


Beta 3

  • Update the always-on-top behavior of a detached chat panel.
  • Bring the type-in-the-middle hack back.
    The suggestion services will now be tricked to also generate suggestions in the middle of line.
  • Slightly updated the settings UI. Add pages features > suggestion > cheatsheet and features > chat > scopes.

Beta 2

  • Fix the beta 1 known issue
  • Disable the type-in-the-middle hack because it's not working well
  • Support disabling always on top when the chat panel is detached

Beta 1

  • Change the way to launch the service app. Previously the app had a severe performance issue due to how it was launched and a macOS bug. It probably won't be fixed by Apple any time soon so I am migrating it to another solution, which is a bit more tricky. The app should feel smoother now (surprisingly not as smooth as the debug build). But I am not sure if I have broken anything.
  • Trick the suggestion service to generate suggestions when typing in the middle of a line.
  • Support turning off code wrapping in prompt to code.

Known issues: When you open the host app, but the service app is not running, the app will complain that it can't get the service endpoint. The host app will be able to get the endpoint after the service app is finished launching.

Please let me know if you encounter any issues in the discussion.


01 May 07:42
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  • Fix that characters with multiple unicode scalars were not correctly handled. #498
  • Fix that prompt to code result parsing will fail if the language name contains symbols. #501
  • Fix that the chat panel can suddenly jump to the top while streaming.
  • Try to clean up some resources before the app quits itself after an update. #500