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Main Build Information

Gradle Wrapper

To execute a task without a local Gradle installation, you can use the Gradle wrapper. To execute a task use following command in your Command Window (Windows) or Termin (Unix and Mac)

  • ./gradlew [task] (on Unix-like platforms such as Linux and Mac OS X)
  • gradlew.bat [task] (on Windows using the gradlew.bat batch file) To list all possible gradle tasks replace [task] with tasks

For more information read Gradle docs: Gradle Wrapper


Execute command gradlew.bat build in Windows command prompt (Strg + R -> cmd) will fail with Unable to process incoming event 'ProgressComplete ' (ProgressCompleteEvent) Exception. This may be caused by Issue GRADLE-3527. For further Information check following discussion Discuss Gradle Due to this Bug, they build don't work as excepted and will exit with an error. The current "hack" is to build the angular 2 frontend application first and then copy the created JS, CSS and HTML files to the backend.

1. build angular 2 app:     ng build -prod 
2. build and copy backend:  gradlew build,h2,copy
3. commit

Since Resource Filtering demands building the application first and running application with gradlew.bat bootRun [,h2] (you don't have to specify a profile, since dev and h2 profile will be set by default) we're using with hard coded values, thus we can start the application by simple running the main Method within your IDE. In addition it's easier to run the test-cases within your IDE. The embedded database is configured in Keep in mind that the H2 Database is a simple embedded database, which will be replaced in future releases.

Additional Properties

We're processing all project properties. To add properties and using it within the application, you could

  1. override an existing project property like version, group, etc.
  2. extend project properties with following code project.ext.[your_property] = [value]

To use the properties you have add it to the application-[profile].properties:${project.ext.[your_property]} If you're already using Spring Placeholder Properties, like, you have to escape them with a backslash like\${} or the will collide with the gradle Properties, which would cause an error.


To create a docker container you have add buildDocker task to the build command. We avoid using depends on [task], since this may result in complicated builds. Full command: gradlew.bat clean build buildDocker,h2

Don't forget to add profile when executing a task separately.

Frameworks and Plugins - fixme

Currently used:

  • Gradle 3.0
  • Spring Boot 1.4.1
  • Angular 2 - Angular-Cli
  • CheckStyle
  • CPD - 1.0
  • PMD
  • FindBugs
  • Node Plugin - 0.13
  • H2 Database
  • JaCoCo

Extend - fixme

Front-End - Angular: [baseDir]/src/main/resources/frontend/angular2/app Back-End - Spring/Java: [baseDir]/src/main/java

Docker - fixme

start local container

docker run -i -p 8080:8080 inspectit/marketplace:null.null

access application Marketplace - Who Am I You have to change URL IP to your local docker-ip or localhost on linux.

stop and remove ALL local Container:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Remove ALL local Images:

docker rmi $(docker images -q)


  • Services
  • add swagger to spring
  • document REST
  • implement rating entity;
  • create relationship between rating and product
  • create tag and keyword entity
  • create a relationship between tag/keywords and product
  • write and test CRUD Functions for entities


Changing base port to avoid collision with other applications. Ports used by this application:

  • default Tomcat Port: 80
  • h2 Database Web Port: 9071
  • h2 Database Tcp Port: 9043


Don't forget to that the dockerfile also contains spring.profiles


Use this profile during development to avoid CORS errors. This profiles disables spring-security.


During development, you should use h2 Profile to create and populate an embedded Database. This database can be accessed by H2 Console. Since we didn't change the default setting, you don't have to modify anything and can proceed. Further information about H2 Database.


Use a different datasource for unit tests; therefore we use a different profile


Find the base LogBack logging configuration at


You can check API Documentation on localhost under Swagger UI