This repository is a template for a blogpost about Dynamic Admission Control in Kubernetes.
The webhook contains a mutating and a validating component:
- Mutating: We add a label with a timestamp to a deployment
- Validating: We check if
is set in the security context, if it is missing the deployment is rejected
- CA and certificate / key pair for the webhook server and are created as a k8s secret
- a running kind cluster
make build
make pushimage
cd certs
cfssl selfsign inovex-webhook.default.svc csr.json | cfssljson -bare selfsigned
kubectl create secret tls --key selfsigned-key.pem --cert selfsigned.pem inovex-webhook-certs
The output from the following command needs to be added to `deployment.yml` under $CA_BUNDLE:
echo $(cat selfsigned.pem | base64 | tr -d '\n')
After the successful build and push of the image to your kind cluster and the creation of the needed secrets you can deploy the needed components:
- Webhook Server Deployment
- Webhook Server Service
This can be done using:
make deploy
kubectl apply -f test_deployment.yml
or run:
make test
This code is not production ready. It was written for learning and demonstration purposes.