An aWASoMe list of all things related to WASM contract development.
Github | Intro | Docs | Docs.rsawesome ink!
Github - A curated list of awesome projects for Parity's ink!ink! examples
Astar ink!
Github - ink! compiler, uses Rustc compilersolang
Github - compiles Solidity smart contracts to WASM
Dev Container
Docs - develop your project inside a preconfigured container with all prerequisites met and correct dependencies installedSwanky-cli
npm Github Docs - all-in-one tool for Wasm smart contract developersOpenbrush Library
Github, Docs - OpenBrush is a library of ink! contracts, like OpenZeppelinPSP
Github - Polkadot Standards Proposals for ink! contracts by W3F Frontend
Docs - A React hooks library for ink!Swanky-dapps dapp examples
Docskitchen sink
Githubink! 4.0 Workshop
Github - The workshop is a game, in which students write a smart contract that plays on their behalf – an agent.useInkathon
Github React Hooks for Substrate & ink!
website, Docs - an App to interact with Substrate node and pallet-contractsContracts-UI
Github, App - simple interaction with Substrate contracts@polkadot/api-contract
Github Docs - thin layer on-top of the available API transactions to manage Substrate contractsTypechain
Github - Interact with contracts using TS or JSSidecar
Github - REST service that runs alongside Substrate nodesSubXt
Github - A Rust library to SUBmit eXTrinsics to a substrate node via RPC.
website - a browser extensionSubwallet
- Docs - a browser extension with the viewer for PSP34 NFTsTalisman
website - a browser extension
Github - standalone node supporting pallet-contracts, instant seal and manual sealsubstrate-contracts-node
Github - standalone node supporting pallet-contractsShibuya parachain
Network Details, Faucet - testnet (Parachain on test Relay chain) maintained by AstarContracts on Rococo
Polkadot.js, Faucet - testnet (Parachain on test Rococo Relay chain) maintained by Parity
- Substrate StackExchange - ask any smart-contract related question (use tags: ink, contract, smart-contract)
- Astar Discord - connect with Astar WASM team (Use Developer Support channel)
- Brushfam Element - Matrix/Element room, support for developing in ink! and OpenBrush
- Astar WASM Docs - WASM dev related Docs by Astar
- From Zero to ink! Hero - ink! tutorials: Flipper, NFT, Uniswap v2
- Introduction to ink! - ink! workshop by Hernando (Parity)
- OpenBrush: a library to build ink! smart contracts - Substrate Seminar
- Building DEX Smart Contract in ink! - Simple DEX implementation in ink by Pierre Ossun
- Build an AMM on Polkadot using Ink! - Figment tutorial
- A BTC price bot with Phala's ink! - A Substrate seminar on Phala's Fat (PhaT) Contract Youtube
- Advance ink! on Storage
- Subscan - Multi-network explorer for Substrate-based chains.
- Subsquid - An indexing framework (SDK + infrastructure) for WASM
- DIA Oracle - Oracle for WASM contracts on Astar Network
- NFT minting dApp, Github, Youtube
- Website Github - A holistic bounty program that evolves ink! smart contacts, funded and approved by the Polkadot community/treasury. Initially pioneered by Astar Network, now includes Curators from Parity, Phala Network, Brushfam, Aleph Zero teams.
- Substrate-Front-End - Polkadot-JS API and React app to build front-ends for Substrate-based chains.