DaisForAll is a platform created for various people to share their ideas, poems, stories, essays, programms, knowledge, creativity, logics, reasonings, etc with the world.
So the website is developed on NextJS which is a ReactJS framework. ReactJS works on Javascript maybe nodeJS. The platform helps us to server side render the project make the website quite quick. On the other hand the database used is mongodb and algolia is the used search engine. We are even using google recaptcha
So the respo has a database which is added at the util folder, the frontend in pages folder(excluding api), and server in pages/api directory. The css files for the project is in CSS directory. The components supporting the frontend are in components direcotry.
The chain starts from _app.js I guess so please start there.
npm run install && npm run build
npm run start
In case you want to use a custom server instead of vercel just use the following
nom run test