TreePyO enables visual navigation of full object hierarcy within a Python runtime. It is ideal for grasping internals of object groups and applications. Objects, members, classes, functions, modules, lists, dicts, etc; namely, any object hierarcy can be navigated as they are alive.
See TreePyO as it navigates itself:
- Python >= 3.2
- GObject Introspection (GIR)
- Python GIR wrapper
- GTK3
On Debian or Ubuntu systems, issue the following command. (Adjust versions for current releases if needed):
apt-get install python3-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0
For a demo, just run the file ''. Object tree will appear with two root nodes: a) '__main__' module b) the Window itself. Browsing the tree is trivial. However, familarity with Python internals is recommended. Please see:
'Find as you type' search is available for expanded nodes.
Collapsing and reexpanding an object node refreshes the children. (Except for SubGroup nodes. See below.) SubGroups are refreshed when real parent object is collapsed and reexpanded.
While navigating, you'll encounter nodes with trailing '+' (i.e. 'Modules +', 'Functions +'). They are SubGroup nodes. They do not correspond to actual python objects. They are logical groups whose members would otherwise appear right under their parent. Grouping logic depends on the purpose and can be customized via TreePyO.testExpandRow function.
TreePyO.testExpandRow function is central in the sense that it controls what is/is_not shown on the tree and how. In its current form, it shows everything and provides some grouping: Python Internals, Modules, Getters/Setters, Functions and their arguments.
TreePyO inherits from Gtk.ScrolledWindow. You can use it in your projects like any other GTK widget:
#!/usr/bin/python3 import __main__ from gi.repository import Gtk from treepyo import TreePyO w = Gtk.Window() w.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit) tr = TreePyO() it = tr.append(it, '__main__', __main__) # Add __main__ module to tree tr.append(it, 'window', w) # Or give it any python object w.add(tr) w.show_all() Gtk.main()
- Currently, only appends to the branches are allowed. Inserts leave the tree at an inconsistent state. Allow inserts. (0%)
- Decide on the form of a Standard Python Environment view. (40%)
- A primitive context menu is provided. Decide on its use for standard view. (10%)
- Compile use cases. Provide patterns for customizing the tree, context menu and actions. (0%)
Copyright 2013, Imran Geriskovan
TreePyO is released under the terms of MIT license. Please see LICENSE.txt file.