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A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller


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#Mutual Mobile Drawer Controller MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer.

##Documentation Official appledoc documentation can be found at CocoaDocs.

##Installing MMDrawerController
You can install MMDrawerController in your project by using CocoaPods:

pod 'MMDrawerController', '~> 0.5.7'

##Creating a Drawer Controller Creating a MMDrawerController is as easy as creating a center view controller and the drawer view controllers, and init'ing the drawer.

UIViewController * leftDrawer = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UIViewController * center = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
UIViewController * rightDrawer = [[UIViewController alloc] init];

MMDrawerController * drawerController = [[MMDrawerController alloc]


###UINavigationController Support MMDrawerController seamlessly accepts a UINavigationController as the centerViewController, and will update all of the gesture support automatically. In addition, any child view controller contained within the UINavigationController will have access to the parent drawer controller using the category explained below.

###UIGestureRecognizer Support MMDrawerController exposes gesture support for opening and closing the drawer through two masks, one for opening and one for closing. The options are as follows:

  • MMOpenDrawerGestureMode

  • MMOpenDrawerGestureModePanningNavigationBar: The user can open the drawer by panning anywhere on the navigation bar.

  • MMOpenDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView: The user can open the drawer by panning anywhere on the center view.

  • MMOpenDrawerGestureModeBezelPanningCenterView: The user can open the drawer by starting a pan anywhere within 20 points of the bezel.

  • MMOpenDrawerGestureModeCustom: The developer can provide a callback block to determine if the gesture should be recognized. More information below.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureMode

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModePanningNavigationBar: The user can close the drawer by panning anywhere on the navigation bar.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView: The user can close the drawer by panning anywhere on the center view.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModeBezelPanningCenterView: The user can close the drawer by starting a pan anywhere within the bezel of the center view.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModeTapNavigationBar: The user can close the drawer by tapping the navigation bar.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModeTapCenterView: The user can close the drawer by tapping the center view.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModePanningDrawerView: The user can close the drawer by panning anywhere on the drawer view.

  • MMCloseDrawerGestureModeCustom: The developer can provide a callback block to determine if the gesture should be recognized. More information below.

You are free to set whatever combination you want for opening and closing. Note that these gestures may impact touches sent to the child view controllers, so be sure to use these appropriately for your application. For example, you wouldn't want MMOpenDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView set if a MKMapView is your center view controller, since it would intercept the pan meant for moving around the map.

####Custom Gesture Recognizer Support Starting with version 0.3.0, you can now provide a callback block to determine if a gesture should be recognized using the setGestureShouldRecognizeTouchBlock: method. This method provides three parameters - the drawer controller, the gesture, and the touch. As a developer, you are responsible for inspecting those elements and determining if the gesture should be recognized or not. Note the block is only consulted if you have set MMOpenDrawerGestureModeCustom/MMCloseDrawerGestureModeCustom on the appropriate mask.

For example, lets say you have a center view controller that contains a few elements, and you only want the pan gesture to be recognized to open the drawer when the touch begins within a certain subview. You would make sure that the openDrawerGestureModeMask contains MMOpenDrawerGestureModeCustom, and you could set a block below as so:

 setGestureShouldRecognizeTouchBlock:^BOOL(MMDrawerController *drawerController, UIGestureRecognizer *gesture, UITouch *touch) {
     BOOL shouldRecognizeTouch = NO;
     if(drawerController.openSide == MMDrawerSideNone &&
        [gesture isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]]){
         UIView * customView = [drawerController.centerViewController myCustomSubview];
         CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:customView];
         shouldRecognizeTouch = (CGRectContainsPoint(customView.bounds, location));
     return shouldRecognizeTouch;

Note that you would not want the openDrawerGestureModeMask to contain MMOpenDrawerGestureModePanningCenterView, since that would take over and be applied automatically regardless of where the touch begins within the center view.

###Custom Drawer Open/Close Animations MMDrawerController provides a callback block that allows you to implement your own custom state for the drawer controller when an open/close or pan gesture event happens. Within the block, you are responsible for updating the visual state of the drawer controller, and the drawer controller will handle animating to that state.

For example, to set the alpha of the side drawer controller from 0 to 1 during an animation, you would do the following:

     setDrawerVisualStateBlock:^(MMDrawerController *drawerController, MMDrawerSide drawerSide, CGFloat percentVisible) {
         UIViewController * sideDrawerViewController;
		 if(drawerSide == MMDrawerSideLeft){
			 sideDrawerViewController = drawerController.leftDrawerViewController;
		 else if(drawerSide == MMDrawerSideRight){
			 sideDrawerViewController = drawerController.rightDrawerViewController;
		 [sideDrawerViewController.view setAlpha:percentVisible];

In addition, MMDrawerController ships with several prebuilt animations to let you go crazy right out of the box. These are included as a subspec for the project, and more information can be found below.

###Center View Controller Interaction Mode When a drawer is open, you can control how a user can interact with the center view controller.

  • MMDrawerOpenCenterInteractionModeNone: The user can not interact with any content in the center view.
  • MMDrawerOpenCenterInteractionModeFull: The user can interact with all content in the center view.
  • MMDrawerOpenCenterInteractionModeNavigationBarOnly: The user can interact with only content on the navigation bar. The setting allows the menu button to still respond, allowing you to toggle the drawer closed when it is open. This is the default setting.

###Accessing the Drawer Controller from a Child View Controller You can use the UIViewController+MMDrawerController category in order to query the drawerController directly from child view controllers.

###State Restoration Beginning with 0.4.0, MMDrawerController supports iOS state restoration. In order to opt in to state restoration for MMDrawerController, you must set the restorationIdentifier of your drawer controller. Instances of your centerViewController, leftDrawerViewController and rightDrawerViewController must also be configured with their own restorationIdentifier (and optionally a restorationClass) if you intend for those to be restored as well. If your MMDrawerController had an open drawer when your app was sent to the background, that state will also be restored.

##iOS 7 Status Bar Support ###Child View Controller Support Beginning with iOS 7, the child view controllers will by default determine the state of the status bar, including its' style and whether or not it is hidden. This value will also be updated anytime the open side changes state, meaning that a side drawer can provide a different value than the center view controller.

If you do not want the drawer controller to consult the child view controllers for this state, you should subclass MMDrawerController, override childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle and childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden, and return nil for both.

###Custom Status Bar Background View If you have a contrasting colors between your center view controller and your drawer controllers, the new iOS 7 status bar handling could cause your application to look less than ideal. Starting with iOS 7, MMDrawerController supports drawing a custom status bar area at the top of the screen, to give you an area to display the status bar with a constant color, while allowing you to draw custom content below the status bar without worrying about the color of your navigation bars or the top of your content running up underneath the status bar. Using the feature essentially mimics <= iOS 6.X behavior.

To enable a custom status bar, simple set showsStatusBarBackgroundView to YES. By default, this will draw a black a view underneath the status bar, and adjust your to content to be laid out lower than the status bar. If you would like a custom status background color, you can set statusBarViewBackgroundColor to whatever color you desire.

##Subclassing If you plan to subclass MMDrawerController, import MMDrawerController+Subclass.h into your subclass to access protected methods for MMDrawerController. Note that several methods assume and require you to call super, so be sure to follow that convention.

If there is specific functionality you need that is not supported by these methods, please open a Github issue explaining your needs and we can try and find a way to open up methods that can help you out.

##Bells and Whistles A few extras to make your life easier...

###MMDrawerBarButtonItem Using Paint Code, we created a standard Menu Button that you can use in any UINavigationBar, and make it whatever color you want. It's included as a subspec to this library. Enjoy.

Starting with iOS 7, the drawer button is now drawn in a much thinner stroke. In addition, the color methods have been deprecated, and the color will now be determined by the tintColor. Also note that the shadow has been deprecated to be more in line with the design themes of the OS.

###Prebuilt Example Animations In order to make it as easy as possible for you to use this library, we built some of the common animations we see out there today. Simply include the MMDrawerVisualStates subspec, and use any of the prebuilt visual states.

For example, if you wanted to use a slide and scale animation, you would do the following:

[drawerController setDrawerVisualStateBlock:[MMDrawerVisualState slideAndScaleVisualStateBlock]];

And that's it...

Here's a quick list of the built in animations:

  • Slide: The drawer slides at the same rate as the center view controller.
  • Slide and Scale: The drawer slides and scales up at the same time, while also alpha'ing from 0.0 to 1.0.
  • Swinging Door: The drawer swings in along a hinge on the center view controller.
  • Parallax: The drawer slides in at a slower rate than the center view controller, giving a parallax effect.

###Stretchy Drawer By default, the side drawer will stretch if the user pans past the maximum drawer width. This gives a playful stretch effect. You can disable this by setting shouldStretchDrawer to NO, or you can make your own overshoot animation by creating a custom visual state block and setting up custom transforms for when percentVisible is greater than 1.0

###Bounce Preview To make your side drawer more discoverable, it may be helpful to bounce the drawer the first time your user launches the app. You can use the bouncePreviewForDrawerSide:completion: method to easily do this.

If you would like to bounce a custom distance, you can use bouncePreviewForDrawerSide:distance:completion:.

###Nifty Example We decided to spruce up the example a bit using graphics generated from PaintCode. Hope you like it.

The example shows off all the features of the library. Give it a whirl.

##What this Library Doesn't Do In order to keep this library light-weight, we had to make some design trade off decisions. Specifically, we decided this library would NOT DO the following:

  • Top or bottom drawer views
  • Displaying both drawers at one time
  • Displaying a minimum drawer width
  • Support container view controllers other than UINavigationController (such as UITabBarController or UISplitViewController) as the center view controller.
  • Support presenting the drawer above the center view controller (like the Google+ app).

We're sure this list will grow over time. But that's the cost of keeping something maintainable :)

##Workarounds/FAQs ####How do I support editing/dragging cells in a tableview in the center view controller? The best way to support this is to set the open/close mask to MMOpenDrawerGestureModeNone / MMCloseDrawerGestureModeNone while editing is enabled, and restore the mask when editing is finished. This will allow the proper gestures/touches to be passed all the way to the table view. (#184)

##Credit Designed and Developed by these fine folks at Mutual Mobile:



##Feedback We'd love to hear feedback on the library. Create Github issues, or hit us up on Twitter.

##License MMDrawerController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller







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