This is a list of coding projects that I have done:
- master thesis: a system to fly a Parrot Bebop 2 drone using hand gestures and a system to make the drone autonomously follow a target. (C++)
- Final project of the online course “Using OpenAI with ROS”: reinforcement learning to make a one-leg hopper robot stand up using State-action-reward-state-action SARSA algorithm. (Python)
- line follower robot by using OpenCV to create a mask to isolate colour of the line and then using the coordinates of the centroid of the blob to send velocity commands to maintain the robot centred. (C++)
- training of MNIST database to recognize digits by ensembling different models and augmenting the original database to obtain a better result (Python)
- ROS service server that makes a robot move based on call received by service client and ROS action server that makes drone move based on call received by action client (C++)