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CGSpace Submission Guidelines

A set of scripts to read submission-forms.xml from DSpace and generate documentation about metadata and controlled vocabularies. This is used as guidance for programmatic submission to the CGSpace repository.

Screenshot of documentation website

You can see the website here:


Requires the following on the host machine:

  • Python 3.10+ and poetry
  • Node.js v16 and npm
  • Hugo


Initialize the Python virtual environment with poetry:

$ poetry install --no-root

Install dependencies with npm and build the static CSS and JavaScript assets:

$ npm install
$ npm run build


Make sure the Python virtual environment is active and then run to extract and process the DSpace metadata and controlled vocabularies:

$ poetry shell
$ ./util/ -i ~/src/git/DSpace/dspace/config/submission-forms.xml -c ~/src/git/DSpace/dspace/config/controlled-vocabularies --clean

Generate the documentation site using Hugo:

$ hugo

You can view a local development version using hugo serve. The site will be available on: http://localhost:1313/cgspace-submission-guidelines/


This work is licensed under the GPLv3.

The license allows you to use and modify the work for personal and commercial purposes, but if you distribute the work you must provide users with a means to access the source code for the version you are distributing. Read more about the GPLv3 at TL;DR Legal.