Automatic OData Restful server and ORM. With security, transformations and other add-ons
OData specification on
This is a beta version, so, use it carefully.
Basic example:
//Add requires
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require 'phpOData/OData.php';
//Declare the DB connector
//Declare options.
//In this case, use default options
$options=new ODataOptions();
//Declare the scheme.
//In this case a list of tables will be exposed
$scheme=new ODataScheme(["User","Product"]);
//Start odata server
$odata=new OData($db,$options,$scheme);
There are four steps:
- Create DB connector
- Create Options configuration
- Create Scheme
- Create and launch server
Instead of call to run operation, setSlimRule($app) must be called
$odata=new OData($db,$options,$scheme);
Current implemented methods are:
- GET: Execuete a query to get one or a list of elements
- POST: Add a new element
- PATCH: Modify an element
- DELETE: Delete an element
/User : Gets the list of all users
/User(1) : Get the user with ID 1
/User?$filter=Id eq 1 : Equivalent to /User(1)
/User(1)?$expand=PurchaseList/Purchase : Get user User with Id 1 and its purchases list
/User?$orderby=name,id desc : Get all users odering by name asscending, and for the same name, usign id descending
PhpOData server requires and it is tested on:
- PHP 5.5.38
- SLIM framework 3.8.1
ApiGet library is not needed. It is only for documentation purpose.
You must use a connector.
$db=<CONNECTOR>::create(<data base>,<user>,<password>,<host>);
For instance create a MYSQL connector
When a ODataOptions is created It gets default option values. All attributes of this object are public, so you can modify them
$options=new ODataOptions();
allowAnyOrigin (false) : Allow any origin connection
enableOptionsRequres (true) : TODO, define this
clients ([]) : TODO, define this
allowQueryMethodModifiers (false) : TODO, define this
defaultAllowedMethods : TODO, define this
An scheme is the list of exposed tables/views from DB.
scheme=new ODataScheme([<list of scheme entities>]);
To simplify you can define a list of strings. All these entities are exposed directly without filters, transformations or any restriction. In the example, User and Purchased are exposed.
scheme=new ODataScheme(["User","Purchase"]);
If OData is expossed to public, for instance with javascript access. This way will be very dangerous because, you can add, modify, delete, list all users, or view the email or password.
Is recomended to create a class extended from ODataSchemeEntity and controls the information. And also include associations
scheme=new ODataScheme([
new User(),
new Purchase(),
The minimal declaration is:
class User extends ODataSchemeEntity{
function __construct() {
//TODO: Associations
//TODO: Override security, modifiers and transformation methods
Fields are automatically extracted from DB so, you don't have to worry about that. However, you can define it manually.
You can overwride the methods you need:
- Security
- security_allowedMethod
- security_visibleField
- sequrity_visibleEntity
- security_allowExtends
- security_preprocesInputField
- DB query modifiers
- query_db_conditions
- query_db_orderby
- query_db_limit
- Output transformations
- query_postprocessField
- query_postprocessEntity
- query_postprocessList
This is used to ensure that can execute a method over this scheme. Returns true if method is allowed, other ways false. By default uses defaultAllowedMethods from configuration options.
In this example only when the user is admin all methods are allowed, other ways only get is allowed.
public function security_allowedMethod($method){
if ($context->get("User")->isAdmin())
return true;
return in_array($method,["GET"]);
Check if field is visible in result.
For instance, we can hide password from User list
public function security_visibleField(ODataSchemeEntityField $field,$entity,$value){
return $field->getName()!="Password";
Check if this entity will returned in result.
In this case, only completed purchases will be returned
public function sequrity_visibleEntity($entity){
return $entity["Completed"]==1;
Check if it is allowed to extends an association
For instance, only admin can extends the purchases from a product
public function security_allowExtends(ODataSchemeEntityAssociation $association){
if ($association->getName()=="PurchaseProduct")
return $context->get("User")->isAdmin();
return true; //Other associations are allowed
Transform a value input before a creation or update.
For instance, password will be the md5 of given password in POST and PATCH
public function security_preprocesInputField(ODataSchemeEntityField $field, $value, $method){
if ($field->getName("Password") && in_array($method,["POST","PATCH"]){
return md5($value);
return $value;
Returns an aggregator for query forced conditions in DB query. Alternatively you can filter the result using postProcess methods
For instance, normal use only can list active products, admin, all of them
public function query_db_conditions(){
if ($context->get("User")->isAdmin())
return null;
return ODataFilterParser::parse("active=1");
Note: see ODataQueryFilterAggregator and ODataFilterParser for more information
Returns a list of orderby elements to sort the result in DB query. Alternatively you can filter the result using postProcess methods
For instance, You can order the Product list by price from expensive to cheeper from DB
public function query_db_orderby() { return new ODataQueryOrderByList(new ODataQueryOrderBy("Price",ODataQueryOrderBy::DESC)); }
Returns the max elements to return in DB query. Alternativelly you can filter the result using postProcess methods. It override $top OData filter.
For instance, to get a product list max number of elements will be 10. In odata you can use $skip for perform a pagination
public function query_db_limit(){
return 10;
Allows to manipulate the value of each entity to return.
For instance, if user is premium apply a 20% discount to the price of products
public function query_postprocessField(ODataSchemeEntityField $field, $entity, $value){
if ($field->getName("Price") && $context->get("User")->isPremium())
return floatval($value)*0,8;
return $value;
It is possible to modify an entity before be returned.
For instance, It is possible to calc the final price of product usign the discount field and applyDiscount is enabled
public function query_postprocessEntity($entity){
if ($entity["applyDiscount"]==1)
return $entity;
It is possible to manipulate the result list before be returned.
For instance, in this case admin will be returned from user list
public function query_postprocessList($list){
foreach ($list as $entity){
if ($entity["user"]!="admin")
return $newList;
This is usefull to store information than schemes will use for their operations. For instance the validated user
To get the context
set($name,$value) : Add or replace an element by $name
get($name) : Get the element by $name
It is very simple to use ORM mode. It is required an OData and ODataRequestORM object.
A OData object must be defined as usual
$odata=new OData($db,$options,$scheme);
A ORM request must be created. In this example is returning the User with ID 1 with its purchase list and product list
$request=new ODataRequestORM("User", ODataRequest::METHOD_GET);
To execute an ORM must be used executeLocal
method It will return an ODataResponse and access to the data with getData()
method. Or if it fails returns an exception
//TODO : do something with $data
}catch(Exception $e){
All together
$odata=new OData($db,$options,$scheme);
$request=new ODataRequestORM("User", ODataRequest::METHOD_GET);
//TODO : do something with $data
}catch(Exception $e){
new ODataRequestORM(<entity>, <operation>);
- entity: Name of entity to query
- operation: operation to perform
- ODataRequest::METHOD_GET - Get elements
- ODataRequest::METHOD_POST - Create element
- ODataRequest::METHOD_PATCH - Modify element
- ODataRequest::METHOD_DELETE - Delete element
Establishes the primary key. Filter usign the primary key, but if isn't established all elements (dependent of others filters) are returned.
You can use Filter instead
Set the data for creation and modification operations
$request->Body("{'name':'my name'}");
Create a filter function. The parameter defines the filter to apply. You must use OData $filter language
$request->Filter("name eq 'Ivan' or id eq 3");
Expand the result object. the parameter defines the expanded objects with multiple levels
Sort the result usign one or more fields
$request->OrderBy("name desc, id");
Set the maximum number of elements to returns
If you are usign Top, you can omite elements for perform a pagination
This filter helps to perform a pagination instead usign Top and Skip. Only it is needed to defined the page and the elements per page
$request->Page(<page>,<count per page>);
In this example, we obtain the second page (10 elements per page)
MIT License @2017 Ivan Lausuch [email protected]